AD authentication question.

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6/20/2006 7:41:43 AM
Total Posts 1

AD authentication question.

Currently I have mojoportal 2.02 installed on a windows XP laptop with sql 2005 express for testing purposes.

I am evaluating mojoportal for use as an intranet/extranet site that will authenticate against AD.

Under the site settings page I am not clear on what needs to be put for "Enter the Root DN for User Authentication:". I am assuming that it is asking for the distinguished name for a user with access to AD.

For AD authentication to work do I need to use a domain account instead of the machine account to run the site?

I entered the DN of a user that has admin access in the domain along with a password but when I click save I get "Could not bind to the LDAP settings as entered..."


Any hints, clues or documentation would be appretiated.


BTW great software. I had been looking for some portal software to use on my home linux server. I think mojo 1.02 will be running on my suse box within the week. Can't wait for mono 2.0.

J. Giacobbe


6/20/2006 8:08:16 AM
Total Posts 18439

Re: AD authentication question.


I will try to add some documentation soon.
For the root DN it is not for a specific users but the container for all users.

Example Root DN:

would work for an AD setup for mylocaldomain.local, as long as the users exist in CN=Users. Something like this is fairly common in AD standard setup but if you are using something like Small Business Server its much more complicated the way it ocnfigures AD and the root dn for users is harder to figure out.

The format will depend entirely on how your active directory is configured

Before changing to use ldap, you should be logged in as a Site Admin but your login name must also already exist in Active Directory, so the first thing you may need to do is change your user login name in mojoportal so it matches your domain login name, then you enter your user domain password to test the ldap connection to AD before the site will let you change to use ldap.

Hope it helps,

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