Subscribe to blog comments

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9/4/2009 12:06:35 PM
Total Posts 11
Marc Beacom Making Data-Driven Decisions Possible

Subscribe to blog comments

Is there a way for users to subscribe to blog comments?  So as an example, when a user posts a comment to a blog post I've writen they would then be notified/emailed when I or any other users have made a reply to that same blog post.  Similar to the forums feature where you have "Notify of Replies" option that they can tick on or off.



9/6/2009 7:15:49 AM
Total Posts 18439

Re: Subscribe to blog comments


My long term plan is to build a new comment system that can be used across features and replace the existing one in the blog which is very limited. This is mentioned on the Roadmap.

Short term, I'm implementing support for using Disqus for blog comments for the coming release. It provides moderation, email notification and other benefits. I've actually got it implemented and you can see it now on, but there is some script error in IE 8 that prevents it from working. I'm trying to find out the cause, but it works correctly in Firefox and Chrome.



9/6/2009 9:40:40 AM
Total Posts 11
Marc Beacom Making Data-Driven Decisions Possible

Re: Subscribe to blog comments

Awesome, thanks Joe!


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