Approval of user registration request before granting access

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9/3/2009 9:17:41 AM
Total Posts 5

Approval of user registration request before granting access


Hello.  First let me say that I am using mojoportal to put together a soccer club site and it is working great for me.  It has 95% of what I need right out of the box.  Joe, you have done a great job, building a great system.

I have looked through the site features and searched the mojoportal site and I have not found a way to do the following scenario.  Please let me know if this is possible with the current mojoportal.


I have built a soccer club website using mojoportal.  Within this site, there is a Team Page for each team.  I have registered the club's coaches and given them access to their own team page so they can upload files, edit calendar, upload team pics, and post to their team's blog, etc.

I would like to open the Team Sites to Team parents, if they register, so they can use their team's blog.  I have a list of email addresses the parents used to register their child to play soccer.  I thought I could allow parents that belong to a certain team to have access to their team page.

I was wondering if there was a way to leave up the "Register" feature of the mojoportal site, but have a list of Registration "Requests" that I could approve or deny instead of letting just anyone automatically register on the site.

If there is not a way to do this, I guess I could just import all the parents into the database as users and then start assigning to their team pages and ask them to change their passord immediately.  Then, just turn off the "Register" feature.

What do you suggest?

Thanks for the help and the great system.  I am trying to get my head wrapped around the code in my spare time so hopefully, I can make a worthy contribution in the future.


9/3/2009 9:26:02 AM
Total Posts 18439

Re: Approval of user registration request before granting access

Hi Allen,

We don't currently have any kind of white list registration support. Maybe at some point we will implement something for this but its not among my top priorities unless someone wanted to sponsor development to make it a priority.

The best suggestion I have for using the existing functionality is to create a role for each team or multiple roles like teamview and teamedit roles and define those roles as allowed to view/edit/create child pages starting at the team page node.

Then you could enable email notification for registration so the admins get an email when a new person registers and could then go and add the user to appropriate roles. You can enable the notifications by putting this in your user.config file:

<add key="NotifyAdminsOnNewUserRegistration" value="true" />

Hope it helps,


9/3/2009 9:28:07 AM
Total Posts 18439

Re: Approval of user registration request before granting access

Alternately if you are a developer you could implement a UserRegisteredHandler and add your own implementation to lookup the users email from your own list and assign the user to appropriate roles automatically if the email mached your list.

9/3/2009 9:44:48 AM
Total Posts 5

Re: Approval of user registration request before granting access

Thank you for your quick response.

I think I will go with your first suggestion to get up and running right now and look into your second suggestion as a solution, also.  It would be a good starting point to become more familiar with the code.  Nothing like a "real" project with a goal, to gain a better understanding.

Thanks again,


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