Mojoportal fast, but client page delivery slow.

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9/1/2009 7:47:00 PM
Total Posts 3

Mojoportal fast, but client page delivery slow.


recently installed mojoportal on my web server.  its a 2003 with 2gb ram, quad core etc etc, decent internet connection and with other CMS software (such as DNN) works very fast and very snappy.  im trying to get away from DNN because it is becoming a mess.

mojoportal disappointed me considerably with its performance on a default install with the default setup.    i couldnt understand why it took so long to navigate from page to page even on the local network.  so i started watching traffic on my isa server and found that once the site had been delivered or partly delivered to the client, the client began requesting files from a strange IP address.  i found that IP to be one of googles AJAX distribution IPs. 

i have a suspicion that the reason my mojoportal site is appearing slow is because its taking too long to download the extra clientside files that it needs.  possibly because it could be downloading from a US site and i am in AU

is there any reason why mojoportal cant come packaged with this code rather than having to download it from an external site each time a page is requested?


9/1/2009 8:29:26 PM
Total Posts 45

Re: Mojoportal fast, but client page delivery slow.

See the following link if you would rather host the files yourself:

9/1/2009 9:30:39 PM
Total Posts 3

Re: Mojoportal fast, but client page delivery slow.

Hi Todd

thanks for your reply.  it seems to be slightly better, but i now have a javascript error and if it appears to be still downloading code from google which is still a speed problem.

Check it out at 



9/2/2009 6:25:16 AM
Total Posts 18439

Re: Mojoportal fast, but client page delivery slow.

When I check your site using Firbug in Firefox, I see it is getting 404 errors when it tries to download the jquery and jquery UI stuff from your machine and this also causes the javascript error. I think you did not intall the needed jquery and jqueryui stuff (as described in the page Todd liniked)  or did not configure the paths correctly using the config settings. If you view the source of your page you can see the urls for the jquery stuff and check that you have the files in the right locations.

These 404s are making the page slow because it waits for each request to timeout.

Hope it helps,


9/2/2009 6:50:11 PM
Total Posts 3

Re: Mojoportal fast, but client page delivery slow.

Hi Guys

i really appreciate the responses.  i have now fixed the jquery issue but still have a considerable delay in page delivery.  i am convinced its because of the google code that is being downloaded by the browser.  any simple way to include these files in my mojoportal deployment?

<script src="" type="text/javascript"></script>


9/3/2009 5:00:55 AM
Total Posts 18439

Re: Mojoportal fast, but client page delivery slow.


 You are right I forgot about making an option for those IE specific things to be loaded locally. I will fix that for the next release.

 For now you might try removing this from the layout.master of your skin.

 <portal:IEStyleIncludes id="IEStyleIncludes1" runat="server" IncludeHtml5Script="true" />

 and in its place paste this:

<!--[if lt IE 7]>

<link rel="stylesheet" href="" type="text/css" id="IEMenuCSS" />


<!--[if IE 7]>

<link rel="stylesheet" href="" type="text/css" id="IE7MenuCSS" />


Hope it helps,


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