TinyMCE removing preceeding / from image src

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8/27/2009 12:46:53 PM
Total Posts 2254

TinyMCE removing preceeding / from image src

TinyMCE removes the preceeding / from the src url for images. This isn't a problem if you view content as normal but when viewing content through the content manager using the View/Edit link, the images don't show up.

I verified this on the demo site.


8/27/2009 1:37:11 PM
Total Posts 18439

Re: TinyMCE removing preceeding / from image src

I have found a solution for this and fixed it in my local copy. I guess I will be putting out a minor new release very soon to fix this and to get the new image resizing function into the hands of users.

Another thing I fixed a few days ago was an issue where since I changed to TinyMCE on this site people would post code and errors in the forums and it could make the page not validate. In FCKeditor I already had an option to force paste as plain text in the forum and now I have also implemented this in TinyMCE.



8/28/2009 12:24:33 PM
Total Posts 18439

Re: TinyMCE removing preceeding / from image src

This is fixed on the demo site now. I'm working on packaging a new release with this fix.



8/29/2009 12:07:28 PM
Total Posts 18439

Re: TinyMCE removing preceeding / from image src

This is now fixed in version



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