IE7 problem

A place for discussion about skinning and design. Before posting questions here you should review the documentation about creating skins.

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8/19/2009 9:39:14 PM
Total Posts 64
Gerry Roston gerry (at) pairofdocs (dot) net

IE7 problem

My site is up and running, and under FF3.5 an IE8, it works just fine. However, there appears to be an IE7 problem. The following picture shows the problem: One person suggested the following two lines of CSS to fix the problem:

  • .twoColFixRt #sidebar1 { padding-top: 30px; }
  • .twoColFixRt #mainContent { zoom: 1; }

I put these in IE7Specific.css for the skin I am using, but it did not resolve the problem. The skin is based on styleshout-refresh. Can you suggest a fix?


8/20/2009 6:46:40 AM
Total Posts 18439

Re: IE7 problem

There is no way I could figure it out without studying your css which I do not have time to do.

Those suggested selectors do not correlate to anything in mojoPortal or its included skins so unless you have those class names and ids somewhere in your layout.master they are meaningless. The style rules might be helpful or not if applied to the correct elements, I have no idea.

8/20/2009 9:27:06 AM
Total Posts 2240

Re: IE7 problem

You're in luck, I've been bored this morning.

Try increasing the height of #wrapheader to equal the height of your sitelogo + the margin on the .sitelogo container. I think that would be 161px.

That should do the trick but if it doesn't try explicitly stating your relatively positioned containers as relative. IE7 has some issues with relative positioning when the containers aren't explicitly relative.

If neither of those work, just keep tinkering with it. The CSS you included in your post doesn't appear to be anything that would help.

Do you know about the IE Developer Tools? While using IE8, just press F12 on your keyboard and a screen will appear. They don't work as well as FireBug but at least you can select different elements and see how they are positioned.


8/20/2009 11:00:33 AM
Total Posts 64
Gerry Roston gerry (at) pairofdocs (dot) net

Re: IE7 problem


Thanks for the help. Your suggestion, plus increasing the height of header2.jpg resolved the problem.

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