this feed is not available

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8/4/2009 2:07:06 AM
Total Posts 52

Re: this feed is not available

I think that what dvandenh is trying to do is what I intended first. Having the Blog in a private area so authenticated user can access to it only for posting, comenting and rating and at the same time having it in a second page allowing non registered pepole to see it and maybe cdo comments a ratings.

For this it should be able to place the same blog in a second page so we could vahe a structure liske this:

  • Private page: With a content of "Blog" that has an option like "Allow public access". If this option is checked the RSS feed will has public access.
  • Public page: With a content of like "Blog viewer" that links to the first blog and has options for "Allow public comments" and "Allow public ratings". This should also offer the public RSS feed.
8/4/2009 5:38:32 AM
Total Posts 55

Re: this feed is not available

Joe, Yes I do have users on the network that should not be able to see the involved blog pages. I am implementing in a school district thus staff versus student consumption.

How I am using this is to setup blogs are on every departments main page, using the blogs for department news and aggregating them to a central feed manager on a main Intranet page after logging in. Thus staff users do not have to go to all department pages to check for updated department news items.

I played around with this a bit and the feed manager does work when the pages with the blogs are set to public. Do we need to set the blog page public or does the actual feed come from the associated xxxxrss.aspx page?

The mechanism you explained for passing a Guid string on checking for same site sounds like it would work fine for my needs. This is not super senesitive information so high security is not needed. I think it would be very beneficial to be able to use as I explained if it something you can implement. Otherwise, I will be faced with setting all department main pages to public.


8/4/2009 6:33:26 AM
Total Posts 18439

Re: this feed is not available


The feed does come from the associated rss.aspx page but it currently enforces the page security so it matters who is requesting it.

I will implement this for the next release so that the feed manager inspects the feed url and if its an internal url it will append a guid it reads from Web.config/user.config to the url. Then in the blog feed page I will look for this guid in the url and if it matches the one it looks up from the same config file it will bypass page security. If no guid is configured in the config file or no guid is passed in the url it will enforce the page permissions. If you had replied sooner I would have got it into the release I made yesterday ;-)  but not to worry we are on short release cycles.

The other stuff cecheto requested is more problematic and a lot more work. I mean I can easily add a module setting where a blog could make its feed public even if its on a private page but the problem is the feed links back to the blog and the user clicking it would get an access denied page. I'm not going to implement some complex solution for this with a separate blog viewer. Its an uncommon use case and there are much higher value things I need to work on.




8/4/2009 8:37:17 AM
Total Posts 55

Re: this feed is not available

Sounds great. I think a large audience could benefit from this for intranet style useage -- Derek

8/25/2009 2:41:31 PM
Total Posts 18439

Re: this feed is not available

Hi Derek,

fyi, this feature is in the new release.

You can add this to your user.config

<add key="InternalFeedSecurityBypassKey" value="3B05C70F-8399-421B-8FDE-CAABB7811779" />

just an example guid though, generate your own either in sql using SELECT newid() or in .NET using Guid.NewGuid().ToString()

This should allow the feed manager to consume the feed of a blog on a protected page albeit with the caveats I mentioned before. You could change it frequently too if you feel your network might have been exposed to unwanted packet sniffing.



10/1/2009 6:33:55 PM
Total Posts 55

Re: this feed is not available


You didn't happen to implement this feature of passing a guid stored in user.config to bypass the authentication issue of using the feed manager on an Intranet site? I just uploaded the new version and was wondering. Thanks


10/1/2009 7:02:20 PM
Total Posts 18439

Re: this feed is not available

Hi Derek,

Yes as indicated in my previous post  I implemented this feature (just for you actually) in the release, so it is also included in the latest release.



10/1/2009 8:40:20 PM
Total Posts 55

Re: this feed is not available

Didn't catch the post. Sorry. Good news is I think it is working. Thank you.

1/2/2011 10:20:42 PM
Total Posts 2247

Re: this feed is not available

Hi Joe,

Does this require anything to be added to the feed url the Feed Manager uses for individual "protected" feeds.

I never recommend using RSS on protected pages but I have a customer doing it anyway and he is having issues with the Feed Manager not picking up the feeds so I am trying to help him.

Joe D.

1/3/2011 6:29:10 AM
Total Posts 18439

Re: this feed is not available

Hi Joe,

No it does not require any changes to the feed url it should only require adding the setting to user.config and generating a guid for it. If the setting is present it will automatically append the guid to the feed url when requesting the feed. note that you cannot run the feed through external services like feedburner if they are from content on private pages.



1/3/2011 9:40:47 AM
Total Posts 2247

Re: this feed is not available

Hi Joe,

That's what I thought. I have the setting in place in the user.config and the Feed Manager worked immediately afterwards but about an hour or so later, I checked it and I was getting the "this feed is not available" error on multiple feeds.

The general structure of the site is:

  1. Public Pages
  2. Intranet
    1. Projects
      1. Project 1
      2. Project 2
    2. Other Intranet
    3. Other Intranet

The "Intranet" page and all child pages are secured by roles (I know it is not the correct use of the term 'Intranet' but they are using it). The individual Project pages (there are like 8 of them) have blog instances on them and the Projects page has a Feed Manager on it. Before I set the InternalFeedSecurityBypassKey in the user.config, the blogs' RSS feeds came through sporadically but after a period of time a couple of them show in the Feed Manager with "this feed is not available" and the rest do not show at all. After setting the Bypass Key, all of the feeds worked but then after an hour or so the Feed Manager exhibited the same behavior as before.

Not sure if this is going to be possible. What do you think?

Joe D.


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