contact us - view messages

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5/15/2009 9:52:58 PM
Total Posts 73

contact us - view messages

I did some changes to the layout of the site I am working on, and everything works great except for the view messages link on the contact us page. When it is clicked the page shrinks to the size of the contact us page and makes the message pop up div shrink to an unreadable size. Question, can that div be changed to work more like the view my profile as other see it link? So that it pops up outside,  and independent of the wrap container divs? Or, alternatively a css change I can make so that it does not squish?

here is the site:

Joe I can give you admin access if you want to create an account.

5/16/2009 4:09:00 AM
Total Posts 18439

Re: contact us - view messages

I registered on your site as jaudette, if you put me in a role with permission to see the messages, I'll take a look.



ps, the site looks fantastic! 

5/16/2009 10:07:07 PM
Total Posts 73

Re: contact us - view messages

I finally got you set up with admin access. Sorry it took me so long, been with the kids all day. Thanks a lot for the praise on the site, I found an awesome way to set up 3 column divs with pure css. I did hack a bit of js in there cause the designer I am working with wanted gradiated images in the columns, and I could not figure out any other way to make it work w/o the JS.

When I get back into work, I am going to post you a link where I found the css trick, and probably post up a real simple example for your readers.

Lastly I wanted to thank you, as putting this all together so fast with so many features would not have been possible from scratch. I have a pretty firm grasp of how much work you have put into this, as I have about 20 sites that are running on a pseudo cms of my own design. Once again, beers should be incoming, just have to clear it with the administrator. :)

Things I am still working on: Trying to learn how to work your modules, think I am close. I want the ad rotator module to have properties that are editable, so the site owners can edit the location of the ad file. I also want to create a real time reader for the local only blogs. My dba was not happy when I asked him to run a script every minute to clear out the local rss feeds. But I knew the posters would not be happy waiting on their posts to show up on the front page.

5/17/2009 10:41:58 AM
Total Posts 18439

Re: contact us - view messages

I would try something like this:

.contactmessages .AspNet-GridView { min-height: 350px; } 


.contactmessages .yui-panel-container {min-height: 350px;}

Hope it helps,


5/18/2009 10:46:05 AM
Total Posts 73

Re: contact us - view messages

Thanks Joe, I ended up adding :

.contactmessages.yui-skin-sam{ min-height:700px; }
.contactmessages.yui-skin-sam .yui-panel-container {right:10% !important; top:5% !important;}

However I did notice something else, that I had a hard time getting to with a selector. Could you add a overflow-y:auto to the message content div? With large messages, there is no way to view the bottom part of the messages atm.

I did get to it with .yui-layout-bd div[id$="pnlMessage"] { overflow-y: scroll; }  yet, atm it seems to be having no effect, I am trying to work it out.

5/18/2009 10:53:15 AM
Total Posts 73

Re: contact us - view messages

You can see it in effect on my site if you want.

5/18/2009 10:59:12 AM
Total Posts 73

Re: contact us - view messages

NVM, got it, I was selecting the wrong div for the overflow. This did it:

.yui-layout-bd div[id$="pnlCenter"] { overflow-y: auto; }

5/18/2009 12:02:01 PM
Total Posts 18439

Re: contact us - view messages

I was able to produce the same issue here with a long message. I just added that overflow so it will be fixed in the new release coming later today or tomorrow. 



5/18/2009 12:18:42 PM
Total Posts 73

Re: contact us - view messages

Sweet, glad you did that. I was worried about using a css level 3 selector with older browsers.

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