Pre-authenticating users with MSN email, Google email account

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5/13/2009 9:05:26 PM
Total Posts 31
There are 10 kinds of people in the world, those who know binary, and those who don't

Pre-authenticating users with MSN email, Google email account

I have a site with many potential users who should be invited, who already have MSN and/or Google email accounts, which are known to us.

Is it possible in MojoPortal to somehow pre-authenticate all of these accounts, so they can just login right away with their address?

At the same time, I prefer not to allow new registrations.

Or, is it necessary to request all users to use their MSN e-mail (Live account) or Google email to register first, and then, by administration, we can then authorize them? (The first approach is preferable but the second one is also okay.)

Thankful for advice.

5/14/2009 5:10:40 AM
Total Posts 18439

Re: Pre-authenticating users with MSN email, Google email account

If you want them to login with windows live id authentication then I don't know of a way. If you want them to login by email and password and you have the data to import you could probably import users using sql tools into the mp_Users table. You would want to configure the password format of the site first to clear text, then import then optionally change it to encrypted. You would also want to run a query to add all the imported users to the "Authenticated Users" role as this happens when they register through the UI. During import you will need to figure out correct data for various columns like siteid siteguid.

Hope it helps,


5/17/2009 9:46:17 PM
Total Posts 31
There are 10 kinds of people in the world, those who know binary, and those who don't

Re: Pre-authenticating users with MSN email, Google email account

Let me try to elaborate. I am looking for a workflow like this:

1. Company obtains the e-mail address of a certain individual (live-id/google e-mail/etc), example:
2. We now know that this e-mail ( is a customer (the address is a 'known' email address)
3. We add this email address, '' to a list of pre-authorized users
4. A user with e-mail '' tries to create a new account, but fails, because that email is not authorized
5. A user with e-mail '' tries to create a new account, and succeeds

Although there's no feature for this, could it be implemented as some change to the approval source code? E.g. just when the user is returned with a successful Windows Live authentication, we decide whether to allow the user to create a new mojoPortal user record? (Based on the pre-approved list)


5/19/2009 5:05:24 AM
Total Posts 18439

Re: Pre-authenticating users with MSN email, Google email account

Using the latest version of mojoPortal and the RPX sign in you could get close to this. If the user exists in the table mp_Users and Registration is disabled, no-one new can register but the user if he has a google email and signs in using  RPX via his google account and it matches the existing email in the db it will sign him in.

The only problem would be that some accounts supported by RPX may not provide an email address (like Facebook) or if the user has configured their open id persona without an email, then it won't work. In that case if registration was enabled we would prompt the user for an email, but we would not let him register using an exsiting one because he has not proved he owns it. It would be bad security to let someone just sign in by any open id and assume the account of any email address they happen to know that happens to exist.

We don't currently have any functionality for white list registration. A good developer could build a custom registration page and/or login page and drop it in as a replacement.



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