layout.Master is missing

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  • What operating system were you running when the bug appeared?
  • What database platform is your site using?
  • What version of mojoPortal are you running?
  • What version of .NET do you use?
  • What steps are necessary to reproduce the issue? Compare expected results vs actual results.

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5/12/2009 1:36:17 PM
Total Posts 2

layout.Master is missing


I've just started with mojoPortal and I have some problems with installation.

Error 1 The file '/wwwroot/Data/Sites/1/skins/My_dcarter-ticktockpro/layout.Master' does not exist. D:\Inetpub\mojoPortal\wwwroot\Data\skins\dcarter-bluedesert\WebForm1.aspx 1

OS Windows XP SP3

MS SQL 2005 Express





5/12/2009 1:40:20 PM
Total Posts 18439

Re: layout.Master is missing


Are you using the Visual Studio Web server? 

Please delete the files: WebForm1.aspx, WebForm1.aspx.cs, WebForm1.aspx.designer.cs from the /Data/Sites/1/skins/dcarter-blue-desert folder

It is not needed and the VS Web Server is trying to JIT compile it.

You may get a similar error about a file in the NeatUpload folder, you can delete that file too.

Hope it helps,


5/12/2009 1:48:56 PM
Total Posts 2

Re: layout.Master is missing

Yes I'm using VS Web Server but I can't find /Data/Sites/1/skins folder

I've checked zip file and also there is no /Data/Sites/1/skins folder

I found only /Data/skins.

Is my copy of mojoportal-2-3-0-1-mssqlreleasefiles broken?


5/12/2009 1:51:34 PM
Total Posts 18439

Re: layout.Master is missing

Ok, then delete it from /Data/skins/dcarter-bluedesert

After you get past the errors it should run the setup page and the the skins will be copied from /Data/skins to /Data/Sites/[SiteID]/skins and siteid will be 1 usually.

Hope it helps,


5/12/2009 1:57:05 PM
Total Posts 18439

Re: layout.Master is missing

Generally if you are going to be doing development in VS I recommend you use the source code package not the release package. The source code has the .sln files and .csproj files and so VS knows which files are in the project and which are not. The problem is there are a couple files like this that are not part of the project but were included in the package because they exist on disk. So without the .csproj, VS treats all files as project members. I have cleaned up these files for the next release. Its not a problem in IIS. Your installation wil be fine, if you get more errors let me know so I can be sure I've cleaned out any orphan files.



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