User Profile

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5/8/2009 9:21:36 PM
Total Posts 180
Thomas F. Heringer

User Profile

Joe, I have added on my site a user profile for GMAIL, could you add it on your next release? Thanks

5/9/2009 5:03:10 AM
Total Posts 18439

Re: User Profile

No, there is no need for me to add more custom properties to the profile, you should copy/rename your mojoProfile.config to something else like mycustomprofile.config and then set it to use your custom file in user.config like this:

<add key="mojoProfileConfigFileName" value="mycustomprofile.config" />

That way it won't be over-written or lost when you upgrade.

Personally I think its a mistake to put any email address on your public profile without obfuscating it in some way (like  joe dot audette [at] g mail dotcom) from the spam scripts, otherwise they scrape the email from your site and you start getting more spam.

Hope it helps,


5/9/2009 6:08:06 AM
Total Posts 180
Thomas F. Heringer

Re: User Profile

Joe, thanks I never thought about obfusicating it, very good point I will do that.

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