Live Chat

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4/21/2009 12:23:14 PM
Total Posts 180
Thomas F. Heringer

Live Chat

How do I configure Live Chat to show up in my profile? I am sure that I missed something that was said about this, but I am drawing a blank. I will send back any information that you need. I already have ms live chat installed.

4/21/2009 12:32:08 PM
Total Posts 18439

Re: Live Chat

Hi Thomas,

Just follow the steps listed in this blog post.

1. Go to "My Account"

2. Click the Profile Tab

3. Click the link that says "Acquire/Refresh a Live Messenger Permission Token" (do this again even if you did it already)

4. When you are redirected back to My Account, click the Profile again and chweck the box for "Enable Live Messenger" and click the Update button

Now find your name on the member list, click the View Profile link to see your public profile and the chat will appear. If you sign in to Live Messenger it will show your status and users will be able to chat with you.

To enable it on your own site you may also need to get a Windows Live App Id and secret key and enter it in Site Settings under the Security > Widows Live Tab

Hope it helps,


4/21/2009 12:56:29 PM
Total Posts 180
Thomas F. Heringer

Re: Live Chat

Hi! Joe, thanks that did it. I had all of the first parts done, but was missing the vry last, the one for a secret key and ID. Once I set it up it worked great.

9/6/2012 10:12:21 PM
Total Posts 8

Re: Live Chat

Hi Joe,


Why couldn't I see "Acquire/Refresh a Live Messenger Permission Token" in profile tab under My Account, although I have enabled Live Chat under site settings\security... ?




9/7/2012 11:58:07 AM
Total Posts 18439

Re: Live Chat

It was removed because unfortunately Microsoft is/has discontinued support for it and it no longer works.

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