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Hi there !
I got a problem with two sites hosting based on folder names.
My master site is in English at (was created first) My child site is in German at
Due to the some reasons I need to switch these 2 sites, i.e. I want the master site (with existing content) to be in German, and child one - in English.
Is there any possibility to make this without copying entire structute and content to the new instance of MojoPortal ?
Thanks !
My conf: Win2003R2,SQL2005, mojoportal v.
Sorry but unfortunately I don't know any easy way to solve that. I'm afraid setting up the sites again is the safest/easiest way to do it.
unlucky me... ((
Thanks Joe!
Hi All,
I start to work with mojo last week and I'm very excited about this CMS. So I've the same problem because I need to migrate my web app from one server to another with different structure.
I solve thi problem manualy change the siteID and the GUID in many table but I spent half an hour and now I switch from site 1 to 2 and 2 to 1.
I think it's a best way to do it and i try this trick "quick and dirty".
Many, many, many compliments for this beautiful CMS.