Cannot change the skin

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3/21/2009 3:38:49 AM
Total Posts 251

Cannot change the skin

I installed the latest mojoportal on godaddy

it kinda works, but i cannot change the skin

really i select a new skin, and press save and nothing happens

Even if i go to manually edit the SQL database, to change the name of the skin, the skin is not changed; the only way to change the skin is to edit manually the SQL database and then wait until the application pool has been recycled

that's weird. Is my fault or is godaddy's fault?

....i am thinking to get a refund on godaddy and rent a VPS....

3/21/2009 8:24:20 AM
Total Posts 18439

Re: Cannot change the skin

Most likely cause of this problem is if the Data folder is not writable. We have cache depndency files we create there and then we touch tyhe file to clear the cache, so if it can't create or touch the fie it can't clear the cache so then only recycle the app can clear the cache.

SiteSettings is cached in memory and has the skin seting for the site. When you change skins or save site settings it tries to touch the dependency file. If the file is touched it will clear the cache and therefore site settigns will be reloaded with the new changes.

Hope it helps,


3/21/2009 8:55:15 AM
Total Posts 251

Re: Cannot change the skin

so strange, i double checked, the data folder has write permissions... godaddy is not good except for php stuff

next week i will upgrade to a VPS, maybe i will be able to get it fully working

thank you

3/28/2009 3:32:42 AM
Total Posts 251

Re: Cannot change the skin

it looks like if i edit settings with google chrome, are not retained

i mean, my website on my vps now is perfect (thank you joe, so much!), and from firefox/ie i can edit perfectly, but when going to admin panel with google chrome, the settings will not be retained

weird problem, it isn't?

3/28/2009 7:04:07 AM
Total Posts 18439

Re: Cannot change the skin

That is strange. I use Chrome all the time with no trouble managing my sites. I'm using it now to write this post.

I would try clearing the cache in Chrome and see if that helps. Or try Chrome on another machine and see if you get the same problem.

Hope it helps,


3/30/2009 4:11:53 AM
Total Posts 251

Re: Cannot change the skin

Well, i tried to make a screencast showing chrome vs firefox administration panel.

I failed, chrome can change skin. So weird, i did not change nothing on server-side. It may be a cache issue?

3/30/2009 10:56:40 AM
Total Posts 550

Re: Cannot change the skin


Delete cookies files in [OS installed Drive]\Documents and Settings\[login User]\Cookies folder manually. This may solve your problem.



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