modifying file sharing module

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3/20/2009 3:08:22 PM
Total Posts 51

modifying file sharing module

Hi again Joe -

Couldn't find any documentation related to this type of mod, and wasn't sure where this should go:

I'd like to modify the file sharing module to understand MSOffice07 file extensions and map the icons accordingly.  I imagine it's just adding a couple lines to the code, to display the word doc icon for .doc and .docx, likewise for pptx and xlsx.  Is that something I can do easily?



3/21/2009 8:29:00 AM
Total Posts 18439

Re: modifying file sharing module

Hi Kevin,

All thats needed to add new file types is to create icons in the correct naming in the /Data/SiteImages/Icons folder. So we can make a copy of the doc.gif and name it docx.gif and the xls.gif can be copied and named as xlsx.gif and so on. I will add those in my copy today so it will be in the next release but you can do the same on your installation.



3/23/2009 8:14:46 AM
Total Posts 51

Re: modifying file sharing module

Brilliantly simple, I love it.

Thanks Joe!

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