DotNetPanel Application Pack for mojoPortal

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2/24/2009 9:42:21 PM
Total Posts 2247

DotNetPanel Application Pack for mojoPortal

 I am not sure if this is the right place for this or not but I have created a mojoPortal application pack for DotNetPanel (DNP). DNP is a great Windows based Hosting Control Panel and I use it for my hosting business.

This application pack will allow users of DNP to easily install mojoPortal without having to modify the config file or anything like that. You can download a copy of the application pack here:

I posted this on the DNP forums also but I figured I would put it here so that anyone reading this forum who might use DNP can benefit also.

2/25/2009 4:49:11 AM
Total Posts 18439

Re: DotNetPanel Application Pack for mojoPortal

 Hi Joe,

Thanks for sharing! I created a better link for you here.

Is it something where you have to make a new one for each release of mojoPortal? Is it easy to updatete application pack when new releases of mojoPortal come out?



2/25/2009 9:53:50 AM
Total Posts 2247

Re: DotNetPanel Application Pack for mojoPortal

Thanks for posting the pack on the site. I hope people can use it.

The pack would need to be created for each release but creation is relatively simple. Basically all that must be done is creating modifying the user.config file with some DNP variables for the database name, user and password.

More info on that process can be found at:


2/25/2009 10:04:50 AM
Total Posts 18439

Re: DotNetPanel Application Pack for mojoPortal

I've added the additional info and the link to the page here.

Thanks Joe, this is good information for others hosting mojoPortal with DotNetPanel.




3/2/2009 12:05:26 PM
Total Posts 2247

Re: DotNetPanel Application Pack for mojoPortal

I have created an application for mojoPortal It can be downloaded from

Also, the mojoPortal application pack download link is now


3/2/2009 1:25:39 PM
Total Posts 2247

Re: DotNetPanel Application Pack for mojoPortal

As I was creating the application pack for the lastest mojoPortal release I noticed that there are SQL scripts for all of the db servers mojoPortal can run on in the Setup\applications\... directories even though I had downloaded the mssqlserver specific version of mojoPortal. Is there a purpose for all of these being there or can all except the mssql scripts be removed from the mssqlserver distribution? If they can be removed, about 15MB can be removed from the uncompressed package. This will only save about 1MB for the compressed package but it does shave off around 2.5 minutes on decompression time.

Just wondering if this is something that can be addressed or not.


-Great work on mojoPortal by the way! I am thoroughly impressed. I am now recommending mojoPortal over DNN for many of my customers.

3/3/2009 5:29:13 AM
Total Posts 18439

Re: DotNetPanel Application Pack for mojoPortal

Hi Joe,

I've added you to a role so you can mainatin the article about the DotNetPanel Pack yourself. This way you can update thelinks and versions as needed. When you visit the page you should see edit links.

You can safely remove the scripts for other data layers that you don't plan to use to make the mojoportal package smaller before you package it for DotNetPanel.

I must keep at least the  MS SQL and MySql in the release package for MS SQL because I can't make a package pre-configured for MySql due to the GPL. So I make it easy for the user, they only have to drop in the replacement data dlls in the /bin folder and its ready for MySql. So instructions for MySql is to use the MS SQL package and replace the data dlls.

I could potentially remove the other db scripts from the MS package, I will consider this next release.

Thanks a lot for your donation!



12/5/2009 1:04:22 AM
Total Posts 7

Re: DotNetPanel Application Pack for mojoPortal

Hi Joe,

Any chance of an updated Application Pack?  Is it reasonable easy to update now that you've done the hard yards of the initial setup?



12/7/2009 9:58:09 AM
Total Posts 2247

Re: DotNetPanel Application Pack for mojoPortal

I have one for the release, I will get it posted on my website and let you know when I have done so. I will also try to get packaged.

FYI, DotNetPanel does support the Microsoft Web Gallery now so the application packs are going to be obsolete soon.

Joe D.

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