Does WINS matter?

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Post here for help with installation of mojoPortal pre-compiled release packages

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  • What operating system were you running when the bug appeared?
  • What database platform is your site using?
  • What version of mojoPortal are you running?
  • What version of .NET do you use?
  • What steps are necessary to reproduce the issue? Compare expected results vs actual results.

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2/24/2009 6:55:23 PM
Total Posts 30

Does WINS matter?

Hi Joe,

 I'm trying to create the other site on a separate install, it builds right and all, but I noticed it takes forever to load up. Our office is using WINS by that I mean we have 1 ip address for 30 different host names does this work with mojo?

thanks again,



2/25/2009 4:57:20 AM
Total Posts 18439

Re: Does WINS matter?

Wins could be a problem if it is slow to resolve the host names.

In ASP.NET when a site first gets its first few requests after the application starts there is some JIT compilation that takes place making the first few requests slower but after that it should be fast once it fully wakes up.

Hope it helps,


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