PageNotFound localization

This is a place to discuss how to adapt mojoPortal to the needs of different cultures. Before asking questions here please first review the localization documentation.

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2/17/2009 12:12:53 PM
Total Posts 11

PageNotFound localization

Hi Joe

When I try to access a non-existing aspx-page the PageNotFound page is displayed with English text and with the "Other things to try: ..." and Google search.

2/17/2009 12:16:27 PM
Total Posts 11

Re: PageNotFound localization

Sorry - ENTER came in the way

When I access the PageNotFound.aspx directly I get the page with danish text and no "Other things top try:..." and no Google search.

Have I missed a translation or other stuff?

Kurt Greve

2/17/2009 12:38:35 PM
Total Posts 18439

Re: PageNotFound localization

 Hi Kurt,

Thanks for pointing it out. I just fixed my copy, so it will be fixed in the next release.

The problem was that the pagenotfound page is not accessed directly. The pagenotfoundhandler makes a web request to get the contents of the page then it renders the content and sets the response status to 404. So the webrequest made by the server is not using the browser language preference of the user. I fixed it to pass a culture parameter bawsed on the user's browser language.



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