Visual partitioning

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2/7/2009 2:08:34 PM
Total Posts 183

Visual partitioning


little question. I have a customer that has a dutch part and an english part of his site.
So I searched and found a page about visual partitioning. I made the dutch pages under the root, and the english
pages under a "en" page (I won't use that page). Everything works fine: I have different main menu's.
But ... since the "en" page is a root element, I see it in the root main menu. So I change the property "Include In Menu?"
and unchecked it. Ok so far, but now, when I want to make a new english page, I can't select the proper parent page since
pages that are not included in the menu, are not visible as parent page.

So my question: how can I hide the "en" page and still find all those pages as parent pages?
Is playing with the security the only way to do it?


2/8/2009 5:50:41 AM
Total Posts 18439

Re: Visual partitioning

My latest recommendation for  supporting multiple languages is to use 2 sites in folder based sites with "Related Sites Mode", so the root site would be the main language, then you would have a folder site for english at /en/Default.aspx

Supporting Muliple Languages

Hope it helps,


2/8/2009 2:24:46 PM
Total Posts 183

Re: Visual partitioning

Damn, I just configured the cms for multiple sites with hostnames.

I will try it like i did it now and see how this works in the future.


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