Manage Users

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2/5/2009 2:02:39 AM
Total Posts 40

Manage Users

Hi All,

I am working on a project,in which the admin user can add/view/edit/delete any page/records of all users.But the Normaluser who is a just authenticateduser,have to see the pages like Tips of the day,news,blogs(here anyone can post their comments) and images(anyone can post their comments) of his own. 


Can any one help me out ?

2/5/2009 5:35:27 AM
Total Posts 18439

Re: Manage Users

Hi Yamuna,

See this page to understand about roles and permissions.

Right now the only feature which allows comments is the blog, but I plan to build a more general comment system that can be used with more features.

Hope it helps,


2/5/2009 8:15:51 AM
Total Posts 40

Re: Manage Users

Hi Joe,


Thankyou for the Reply,


May i know,the property in web.config that we can giv like <add key="RolesThatCanViewMyPage" value = "admins"/>

Is any possibility is there for "RolesThatCanViewAllpages" like public and privatepages?

please Give me any suggestion regarding that?








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