Its valid to remove the label "Powered by mojoPortal" at the bottom of the pages?

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1/26/2009 12:29:55 PM
Total Posts 2

Its valid to remove the label "Powered by mojoPortal" at the bottom of the pages?


I need to install a Site based on this CMS, but my customer dont like this label at the bottom of the each page, its valid to remove this legend?

Thanks in advance!

1/26/2009 1:31:17 PM
Total Posts 18439

Re: Its valid to remove the label "Powered by mojoPortal" at the bottom of the pages?


I just updated our FAQ page with the answer for this. The short answer is yes you may remove it, but you should read the FAQ.



1/26/2009 8:20:24 PM
Total Posts 2

Re: Its valid to remove the label "Powered by mojoPortal" at the bottom of the pages?

Thanks Joe, for you answer

Saludos desde Mexico!

9/13/2009 1:33:07 PM
Total Posts 4

Re: Its valid to remove the label "Powered by mojoPortal" at the bottom of the pages?

Hi jlbarajas,

  How did u remove the "Powered by mojoPortal" Link

  Thanks in advance!

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