
A place for discussion about skinning and design. Before posting questions here you should review the documentation about creating skins.

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1/16/2009 2:46:01 PM
Total Posts 6



Love MOjoportal, i think what you have done is great and now that I am using it I plan to contribute as much as possible.  I have one quick question though.  I am hosting with webhostforasp.net and I have mojoportal installed ,but only the old templates are there.  Is there somewhere I can go to download the newer templates from your site like the one you are currently using?  I would greatly appreciate it...

THanks ...



1/16/2009 2:51:32 PM
Total Posts 18439

Re: Templates

WebHostForASP has an easy install of mojoportal, but its an older version and just getting the new skins would not work, you need to upgrade and the new skins will come with the upgrade. If you look under Administration Menu > System Information it should indicate what version of mojoportal you have.

If your database connection string is not already in a user.config file, you should move it there prior to upgrading.

After upgrading copy the contents of the /Data/skins folder into the /Data/Sites/[SiteID]/skins folder to make sure the newest ones are installed in the site. SiteID will typically be 1 for a new installation.

Hope it helps,


1/16/2009 3:34:20 PM
Total Posts 6

Re: Templates

Definately an older version.  I have installed right now.  Where can I find what my database connection string looks like and can I do the upgrade myself or do I need the hosting provider (webhostforasp.net) to do it?

Really appreciate the help.


1/16/2009 3:55:04 PM
Total Posts 18439

Re: Templates

The linked articles have most of what you need. You need to be able to download the release package, unzip it and upload files with an ftp client lke FileZilla as indicated in the upgrade link I provided.

If a user.config file is already present the connection string is probably there, if not its in Web.config and you should do as it says in the linked user.config article. Copy the user.sample.config file, save uas user.config and then harvest the connection string from Web.config and put iot in user.config this makes it easier t upgrade without losing your custom settings like connection string.

The name of the connection string depends on the db platofrm ms sql or my sql, for your host, just look, you will see it, ther is a connection string in there for each platform but you only care about the one for the db you are using.

You should download mojoprtal-2-2-8-2-c-mssqlreleasefiles.zip

If you are using MySql then you have to also download the mysqldataleyer zip, extract it and copy ther dlls into the wwroot/bin folder of the ms sql version, then upload the copntents of wwwroot to the root of your web using ftp. Don't upload all at once, do as indicated int eh linked upgrade document, copy /Setup folder up first, then Data, then ClientScript, then the rest.

After all files are uploaded visit yoursiteroot/Setup/Default.aspx and it will run upgrade scripts on the database

Watch carefully make sure there are not transfer errors when uploading if there are then keep trying until all the files succeed.

Hope it helps,


1/20/2009 1:44:00 PM
Total Posts 6

Re: Templates


I followed all your guides, but i think somewhere my ignorance has led me wrong.  I am getting the following error:

Configuration Error
Description: An error occurred during the processing of a configuration file required to service this request. Please review the specific error details below and modify your configuration file appropriately.

Parser Error Message: Could not load type 'mojoPortal.Web.UI.mojoMenuWith3SpansInLinks'.

Source Error:

Line 15: adapterType="mojoPortal.Web.MenuAdapterWithSpanInLinks" />
Line 16:
Line 17: <adapter controlType="mojoPortal.Web.UI.mojoMenuWith3SpansInLinks"
Line 18: adapterType="mojoPortal.Web.MenuAdapterWith3SpansInLink" />
Line 19:

Source File: C:\Clients\C10009\ganczak.com\public_html\App_Browsers\CSSFriendlyAdapters.browser Line: 17

Version Information: Microsoft .NET Framework Version:2.0.50727.3053; ASP.NET Version:2.0.50727.3053


I am not sure if its something i did, or something on the hosts end.  Any help would greatly be appreciated as I really want to take advantage of the new skins and framework.

Thanks Kevin

1/20/2009 2:06:42 PM
Total Posts 18439

Re: Templates

Hi Kevin,

mojoPortal.Web.UI.mojoMenuWith3SpansInLinks is a type that exists in mojoPortal.Web.dll which should be in your /bin folder beneath the root.

All I can guess is either you did not upload all the files or you uploaded them to a wrong location.

The bin folder should be beneath public_html.

The only other thing I forgot to mention is the newest versions of mojoportal target .NET 3.5 SP1, so you need to check with your host to make sure that is installed, I'm pretty sure they can provide you with that, I know of others who have been hosted there and they were able to get .NET 3.5 SP1. Possibly that could cause this error.

Hope it helps,


1/20/2009 2:16:30 PM
Total Posts 6

Re: Templates

Thanks, I checked with the host and my account has both 2 and 3.5 installed.  I lookied in my files on the server and there is a /bin folder with that file in there.  There was no /bin folder in the mojoportal upgrade that I unzipped?  Any suggestions what I might be doing wrong?




1/20/2009 2:23:44 PM
Total Posts 18439

Re: Templates

The bin folder does in fact exist in the download,as I said before:

You should download mojoprtal-2-2-8-2-c-mssqlreleasefiles.zip

If you are using MySql then you have to also download the mysqldataleyer zip, extract it and copy ther dlls into the wwwroot/bin folder of the ms sql version, ...

The wwwroot corresponds to your public_html folder at the host, so contents of wwwroot go into that folder.

You first extract mojoprtal-2-2-8-2-c-mssqlreleasefiles.zip and you will have a wwwroot folder with a bin folder beneath it. You then unzip the mysql data layer and copy the dll files from that into the same wwwroot/bin folder, then your package is ready for uploading as previously outlined, all contents of wwwroot get uploaded to your public_html, but not all at once as previously mentioned.

Hope it helps,


1/21/2009 7:04:37 AM
Total Posts 6

Re: Templates


Thanks again!!!.. I got it to work, seems i had not loaded all the right files.  I REALLY appreciate all your help.  Going to test it out and see how she works.  Seems great so far... 

Thanks again for this awesome system, definately want to keep the community going and keep mojoportal advancing forward...


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