Install error's

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Post here for help with installation of mojoPortal pre-compiled release packages

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  • What database platform is your site using?
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1/2/2009 1:55:33 PM
Total Posts 23

Install error's

Hello to all.

First of all let me say that i'm new to this (using mojoPortal), and during the setup i encountered some erros.

So i'm using IIS6 with WS 2003 Web Edition and PostgreSQL 8.3 as DBMS and i was following the guide topics regarding setup.

For database setup i used pgadminIII and followed the steps mencioned in the documentation. Since my database is in the webserver machine i already have the pg...config's prepared to handle tcpip local and network communications.

So using pgadminIII, i just created the database and user to log to it and using a few GIS applications i was able to login to the database and insert information in it just to ensure that the login was connectiong well.

In the web.config i just filled in the information regarding the connection string.

The i run the .../Setup/Default.aspx, and almost went well except a few errors (please see the install log bellow) but in the end i was able to get to use the application, so no application major errors were found until now.

Welcome to mojoPortal Setup
Probing system...
File system permissions ok.
pgsql database connection ok.
database permissions are sufficient to alter schema.
database initial schema needs to be created.
Running script mojoportal-core - - 00:00:00.4531453
Running script mojoportal-core - - 00:00:02.5938662
Running script mojoportal-core - - 00:00:02.7657489
Running script mojoportal-core - - 00:00:02.8907545
Creating site with default settings... - 00:00:03.1563914
Creating roles and admin user... - 00:00:03.7970451
Configuring feature Html Content - 00:00:04.8439670
Configuring feature Site Statistics - 00:00:05.0783525
Configuring feature Web Part - 00:00:05.4221179
Running script blog - - 00:00:05.6565034
Running script blog - - 00:00:06.0471459
Running script blog - - 00:00:06.1721515
Running script blog - - 00:00:06.3284085
Configuring feature Blog - 00:00:06.4534141
Running script contactform - - 00:00:08.9222747
Npgsql.NpgsqlException: relation "mp_contactformmessage" already exists Severity: ERROR Code: 42P07 at Npgsql.NpgsqlState.d__a.MoveNext() at Npgsql.ForwardsOnlyDataReader.GetNextResponseObject() at Npgsql.ForwardsOnlyDataReader.GetNextRowDescription() at Npgsql.ForwardsOnlyDataReader.NextResult() at Npgsql.ForwardsOnlyDataReader..ctor(IEnumerable`1 dataEnumeration, CommandBehavior behavior, NpgsqlCommand command, NotificationThreadBlock threadBlock, Boolean synchOnReadError) at Npgsql.NpgsqlCommand.GetReader(CommandBehavior cb) at Npgsql.NpgsqlCommand.ExecuteNonQuery() at mojoPortal.Data.NpgsqlHelper.ExecuteNonQuery(NpgsqlTransaction transaction, CommandType commandType, String commandText, NpgsqlParameter[] commandParameters) at mojoPortal.Data.DBPortal.DatabaseHelperRunScript(String script, String overrideConnectionInfo) at mojoPortal.Data.DBPortal.DatabaseHelperRunScript(FileInfo scriptFile, String overrideConnectionInfo) at mojoPortal.Business.DatabaseHelper.RunScript(Guid applicationId, FileInfo scriptFile, String overrideConnectionInfo) - 00:00:08.9535261
Running script contactform - - 00:00:09.0629060
Configuring feature Contact Form - 00:00:09.1879116
Running script eventcalendar - - 00:00:09.7660625
Running script eventcalendar - - 00:00:10.0942022
Configuring feature Event Calendar - 00:00:10.2192078
Running script feed-manager - - 00:00:10.8598615
Running script feed-manager - - 00:00:11.2036269
Running script feed-manager - - 00:00:11.3286325
Configuring feature Feed Manager - 00:00:11.4536381
Configuring feature Image Gallery (Simple Folder Version) - 00:00:12.6099399
Running script forums - - 00:00:12.8443254
Running script forums - - 00:00:13.2818450
Configuring feature Forums - 00:00:13.4224763
Configuring feature Google Map - 00:00:13.8287445
Configuring feature Html Fragment Include - 00:00:14.7506608
Running script imagegallery - - 00:00:15.0006720
Running script imagegallery - - 00:00:15.3444374
Configuring feature Image Gallery - 00:00:15.4694430
Running script linksmodule - - 00:00:15.9850911
Running script linksmodule - - 00:00:16.2819794
Configuring feature Links - 00:00:16.4069850
Running script pollfeature-byChristianFredh - - 00:00:16.6882476
Running script pollfeature-byChristianFredh - - 00:00:16.9851359
Configuring feature Poll - 00:00:17.1101415
Running script sharedfiles - - 00:00:17.3601527
Running script sharedfiles - - 00:00:17.6882924
Configuring feature Shared Files - 00:00:17.8289237
Running script surveyfeature - - 00:00:18.0633092
Running script surveyfeature - - 00:00:18.4227003
Configuring feature Survey - 00:00:18.5633316
Configuring feature Xml/Xsl - 00:00:18.9383484
Ensuring all features are installed in server admin sites... - 00:00:19.1102311
No pages found so creating default content...
Setup is complete, click the link below to go to the home page.
Site Home Page

Database Platformpgsql
StatusYour installation is up to date.

Note: This page shows some information that is helpful during setup and upgrades but for security it would be best not to show any information when the system is up to date. You can disable setup and suppress all information on this page by setting DisableSetup=true in Web.config. When you need to upgrade, you can set this back to false. If you are logged in as Administrator setup will run and you will be able to see this page even if it is disabled in Web.config so you can easily leave it disabled and just login before upgrading. But if you are not logged in you will need to enable setup in Web.config.

To try to troubleshoot this i tried to change the web.config's connectionstring from unicode to utf8, but it produced the same error log descrbed above. However after visiting the portal, all aparently was working no aplication errors, except there was no CSS or any skin showing only plain html.

I've also tryed to run eache *.sql file located in the directory called "legacy-dbscripts" and one of them "3CreateStoredProcedures.sql" could not ruu. After exploring the sql files i've seen that these are for prior versions os Postgresql bellow version 8 i think and that's maybe one of the reasons why there's error's in the setup log file.

However rigth now i'm trying to put the skins to work but none of the supplyed skins work, but i've downloaded some comunity default (unmodified) skins that should not be working and they worked, so only the default skins are not workning, so i ask what coud be the source of these?

I also have tried to clean the browser cache in order to make sure that skins changes show up but nothing happens. Only the community insupported skins work, not the default ones.

Thanks in advance.


1/2/2009 2:18:30 PM
Total Posts 18439

Re: Install error's


I looked into the sql error for the contact form, it is a bug because the table is created in the main sql script for which it should not be since we recently moved features out of the core. Apparently I missed that table when removing them from the core scripts. What I would do is open the file /Setup/applications/contactform/SchemaInstallScripts/pgsql/ with a text editor and chop out the first part which is the table creation then save it and visit setup page again. This will complete the installation of that feature.

I am fixing that core script here now so it will be correct in the next release.

About the skin problem, does your server have .NET 3.5 SP 1 installed? If not please install it and let me know if that solves it for you.

Hope it helps,


1/2/2009 3:32:14 PM
Total Posts 23

Re: Install error's

Hello Joe.

I've looked into the file and comment that create table and now no errors while installing.

However, now i've got the .Net 3.5 SP1, so after instaling that i get some erros that did not show before in the event viewer. 

NET Runtime 2.0 Error Reporting Event ID: 5000

EventType clr20r3, P1 w3wp.exe, P2 6.0.3790.3959, P3 45d6968e, P4, P5, P6 494fa855, P7 312, P8 0, P9 system.typeloadexception, P10 NIL.

For more information, see Help and Support Center at


ASP.NET 2.0.50727.0 ID:1334

An unhandled exception occurred and the process was terminated.

Application ID: /LM/W3SVC/2/Root/bio3cms

Process ID: 3380

Exception: System.TypeLoadException

Message: Could not load type 'mojoPortal.Data.SqlParameterHelper' from assembly 'mojoPortal.Data, Version=1.0.3278.17598, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null'.

StackTrace: at WebStore.Data.DBProduct.GetProductByPage(Int32 siteId, Int32 pageId)
at WebStore.Business.Product.GetBySitePage(Int32 siteId, Int32 pageId)
at WebStore.UI.Helpers.ProductSearchIndexBuilder.RebuildIndex(PageSettings pageSettings, String indexPath)
at mojoPortal.Business.WebHelpers.IndexHelper.RebuildSiteIndex(String indexPath, IEnumerable`1 menuPages)
at mojoPortal.Business.WebHelpers.IndexHelper.RebuildSiteIndexAsyncCallback(Object objArrayList)
at System.Threading._ThreadPoolWaitCallback.WaitCallback_Context(Object state)
at System.Threading.ExecutionContext.runTryCode(Object userData)
at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.RuntimeHelpers.ExecuteCodeWithGuaranteedCleanup(TryCode code, CleanupCode backoutCode, Object userData)
at System.Threading.ExecutionContext.RunInternal(ExecutionContext executionContext, ContextCallback callback, Object state)
at System.Threading.ExecutionContext.Run(ExecutionContext executionContext, ContextCallback callback, Object state)
at System.Threading._ThreadPoolWaitCallback.PerformWaitCallbackInternal(_ThreadPoolWaitCallback tpWaitCallBack)
at System.Threading._ThreadPoolWaitCallback.PerformWaitCallback(Object state)

For more information, see Help and Support Center at

Regarding file permissions i believe that i i've set them up ok, i even add to the main application folder, for ASPNET, IUSR, NETWORK SERVICE and IIS_WPG full access to write,read,modify... etc... for testing pourposes.

Never the less while using the application it works more or less ok, still no skins just plain html and i can edit any HTML container, i keep getting this error: Error loading "" (HTTP Status: 404).

Do you want to see the server response dump?

The file asked aboe exists in the application, and seems strange the aplication not beeing able to find it, is the FCKEditor used too old?

Thanks in advance.



1/2/2009 3:53:00 PM
Total Posts 18439

Re: Install error's

Please delete the file /Setup/ProviderConfig/indexbuilders/webstoreproductindexbuilder.config

WebStore is not implemented in pgsql and I did not realize the presence of this file would cause this error but now I realize it from thinking through it.

Then it may be best to delete all rows from the mp_IndexingQueue and mp_TaskQueue tables then immediately recycle the app by touching web.config

I think what happens is when it first tries to rebuild the site search index, the presence of this file makes it invoke the indexbuilder for webstore, but webstore is not implemented for pgsql so it throwsthis error. I only recently integrated the web store products into the search so I introduced this bug in this version for db platforms where webstore isn't implemented yet.

For the next error if you have a relevant error thats fine, all that .ashx service does is read and render the xml from /ClientScript/mojofckstyle.xml

Have you pasted the url into your browser? What happens there?

About the skins, if you view the source of the page and are using one of the included skins (please don't try to solve it with those old skins active), then look for the url of the main css file, it should be .../csshandler.ashx?... Copy the fullurl and paste into the browser, do you see css or an error?

Maybe there is some problem in general for .ashx, maybe its not registered correctly for that extension.

Also, since your site is running in a sub folder virtual directory /bio3cms/ see if there is another web.config file 1 folder up in the folder that corresponds to the root. If there is one it can be interfering.

Hope it helps,




1/2/2009 8:29:12 PM
Total Posts 23

Re: Install error's

Hello Joe.

I'll keep it short, so....

Please delete the file /Setup/ProviderConfig/indexbuilders/webstoreproductindexbuilder.config

WebStore is not implemented in pgsql and I did not realize the presence of this file would cause this error but now I realize it from thinking through it.

Then it may be best to delete all rows from the mp_IndexingQueue and mp_TaskQueue tables then immediately recycle the app by touching web.config

I´ve done the previus and no error shows up  maybe it was really the presence of that file.

For the next error if you have a relevant error thats fine, all that .ashx service does is read and render the xml from /ClientScript/mojofckstyle.xml


Have you pasted the url into your browser? What happens there?


About the skins, if you view the source of the page and are using one of the included skins (please don't try to solve it with those old skins active), then look for the url of the main css file, it should be .../csshandler.ashx?... Copy the fullurl and paste into the browser, do you see css or an error?

Regarding this, i've activated directory browsing for the website, and the complete html entry you mention is in my case:

<link href=';config=style.config&amp;add=' type='text/css' rel='stylesheet' />

So, if i take all the url;config=style.config&amp;add= and use the browser to run it, i get "page can not be found, error 404", however using only it shows the folder documents (i've activated directory browsing for all the application for troubleshooting), and i can view some documents and images using this url.

Also when using the complete url in the browser the file is in there and it throws "page can not be found" however the file is in there, but if i use the folder contents shows up and you can see the file.

I've seen that the "EditorStyles.ashx" calls the class "mojoPortal.Web.Services.EditorStyles", could it have any error?

I've setup all permissions for handling these files and they should be read by the IIS/Browser.

Also related to the skining error, i've noticed that while browsing the mojoportal using IE7 i get an error in the status bar "Finished with errors" and its details says "'Sys' not declared", using Firefox i dont get it but in the end, the skins don't show up in both. 

Also, since your site is running in a sub folder virtual directory /bio3cms/ see if there is another web.config file 1 folder up in the folder that corresponds to the root. If there is one it can be interfering.

Regarding any web.config for it does not exist in the folder regarding this url.

Thanks in advance.


1/3/2009 7:41:07 AM
Total Posts 18439

Re: Install error's


Though you think IIS is configured correctly for .ashx, the evidence refutes that conclusion because no .ashx file are working even if they are physical files.

I would look for this in IIS and make sure its there:

screen shot of IIS configuration for .ashx

If it is there then I think I would look into running the aspnetregiis tool to re-configure IIS for ASP.NET, google for more about that tool.

I recommend turning directory browsing off, its not need to be on and is better security to turn it off.

Hope it helps,


1/3/2009 8:42:55 AM
Total Posts 23

Re: Install error's

Hello again.

The root folder refering to had the ashx files maped but the folder bio3cms did not, so it was just necessary to map them tomake it work, and now i can change the html contens of the modules.

However the CSS problem remains, no CSS or skins are loaded.

Ill leave here a complete list of mapped file extensions (bellow), maybe you can see if any of them are missing..

File extention: asa,ashx,asp,aspx,browser,cd,cdx,cer,idc,java,mdb,mdf,refresh,shtml,sitemap,skin,soap and stm.

Do you think that the reason for the skins not showing (the css and image content) require re register the .NNET in the IIS?

Thanks in advance.


1/3/2009 8:50:56 AM
Total Posts 18439

Re: Install error's

I would clear the browser cache then see what happens now when you paste the full url of the csshandler.ashx into the browser. Does it give an error or do you see CSS?

Hope it helps,


1/3/2009 9:14:13 AM
Total Posts 23

Re: Install error's

Hello again.

Well yes i keep not seeing the css using the complete css url even after clearing the browsers cache.;config=style.config&amp;add=;

However i've noticed something a bit strange also related to the css. I'f you see this site as well as my version has the the css w3s validator in the footer.

When i visit the link in this site (, it's found and gived the following result:

W3C CSS Validator results for (CSS level 2.1)



However my version throws an error when pressing the link and says that i dont have the style.css file.

Maybe skin css folders require the style.css file and none of them have one, so thats why the skins are not loading.

Can i be correct?

I'm not using the old community skins because you say that they are not supported, however they have the style.css file and thats one of the reasons why they are still +/- working.

Thanks in advance.

1/3/2009 9:23:18 AM
Total Posts 18439

Re: Install error's

The CSS validator link is broken because I forgot to update it when I changed to use the csshandler.ashx and yes the legacy file style.css does exist in my site but no it is not needed and is not the problem.

The problem to focus on is:

i keep not seeing the css using the complete css url.

Are you getting an error? still a 404?

Once you can see css using the csshandler.ashx the problem will be solved, until then it is not solved.



1/3/2009 9:35:17 AM
Total Posts 23

Re: Install error's

Regarding the css validator, ok i see :)

Regarding the css, as i say i cant see the css skin.

You can check it you by youself.

Just visit and from there browse the source code and try the complete url.

It's not working, so i ask if to make it work does it require reregister the asp in iis? i believe not bt i dont now what it depens on to be working...


1/3/2009 10:00:59 AM
Total Posts 18439

Re: Install error's

Well, since;config=style.config&amp;add= still results in 404 its clear that .ashx is still not configured correctly.

aspnetregiis is the tool for configuring .NET in IIS so that is the next thing I would try. Before using it you should google it and read up on using it so you understand what it does and how to use it. I think getting it fixed this way will be the best  solution though there is one possible workaround you could try.

You can create a text file named csshandler.ashx in your skin folder and put this in it:

<%@ WebHandler Language="C#" Inherits="mojoPortal.Web.UI.CssHandler" %>

That will create a physical file to get past the 404 and hopefully invoke the handler. But long term you still will have other bugs come up if you don't really fix the IIS/ASP.NET configuration.

Hope it helps,


1/3/2009 10:04:37 AM
Total Posts 18439

Re: Install error's

Scratch that, the workaround doesn't work, I tried it. So aspnetregiis is the only thing I can think of to try.

1/3/2009 12:01:02 PM
Total Posts 23

Re: Install error's

Hello  again.

For toublheshooting i have moved this folder with all cms contents to another root folder (this one only for intranet use/acess) and after running this website in there all worked including the skins.

However when moving all of this back to the public root folder (the i have encountered the same problem, no skins were working.

Using aspnet_regiis.exe i've found some tutorials and microsoft documentation regarding (register and updating .net and iis) which in part i already know.

So i've successfully updated the mapping scripts to 2.x (because the 3.0 and 3.5 does not have the aspnet_regiis tool) and even after that i cant get the skins to work.

Comparing the 2 root folders ISAPI extentions (the public and the i have much more ISAPI extentions for this second one that were not mapped/present to the first one, i'll try to do it (register the ones not presentin bothw) even if i do it one by one.

For now i not remembering any thing that can cause this but do you need to add any ISAPI filter do the website.



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