Create a way to make inactive forums active again.

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9/9/2005 3:29:06 AM
Total Posts 45

Create a way to make an inactive forum active again.

When creating or editing a forum, if the checkbox "Is Active" is unselected the forum disapears from the forum list.  This would be the correct action.  But there is no way to make it active again once it becomes inactive.

Create a way to show inactive forums so that we can edit thier properties to make them active again.

9/9/2005 4:44:34 PM
Total Posts 18439

Re: Create a way to make inactive forums active again.

You are absolutely right we need this. In fact the Html module has the same disease, if the end date goes by you never see it again, but it does default to 24 years out or so

I plan to add features to manage any invisible content.

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