adapting skin for older version

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10/27/2008 12:14:38 PM
Total Posts 32

adapting skin for older version

Hi joe, I finally changed my service provider but in my old one I adapted you skin brightlightoflife of version of mojo instead this provider (webHostforAsp) automatic install the version. In this version this skin does not work properly you cannot see the header image. There some file outside the skin folder I have to change to adapt this new skin to the old version of mojo?

Thank You

10/28/2008 5:24:30 AM
Total Posts 18439

Re: adapting skin for older version


Its nice that they have this easy installation, but now you should upgrade it, thats an old version and not as good as the new version. If they put your connection string in Web.config, you should create a user.config and copy your connection string there as indicated in this article. Then you should upgrade it.



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