help with MyPages

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9/10/2008 3:01:11 AM
Total Posts 69

help with MyPages

Hi, I'm trying to put together some MyPages. I've got the site setup so that there are some HTML modules created in Shared Space. Now I want it so that the users can click on images in some of the modules so that it will swap images in another module.

any ideas?

9/10/2008 4:49:23 AM
Total Posts 18439

Re: help with MyPages

I'm not really sure I even understand what you are trying to do. Any user interaction needs to be self contained in a feature instance, there is no cross talk between feature instances. MyPage is just a place for exposing a catalog of feature instances and the user is allowed to arrange them on "pages". Any given feature instance has no knowledge of the existence of other feature instances or any knowledge of what else is on the page.

Some features work better than others with MyPage.

I do have an old video about using it here.

Hope it helps,


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