iCalendar support

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9/4/2008 10:12:57 PM
Total Posts 15

iCalendar support

iCalendar support with Events/Calendar feature would be nice.

9/5/2008 7:20:05 AM
Total Posts 18439

Re: iCalendar support

I plan to add iCalendar import and export features in Event Calendar Pro in a future release. Hopefully within the next month I will get to that.



5/31/2010 11:23:13 AM
Total Posts 15

Re: iCalendar support

What is the current status of this request?

I don't see it available in my current download v0.0.2.7.

Can I help implement this in anyway?

5/31/2010 3:20:19 PM
Total Posts 225

Re: iCalendar support

Joe, I just have to say YOU ROCK!!! Those who follow MojoPortal development are amazed at what you've built and how you are constantly making it better and better. You have the common sense and logical thinking ability needed to build a system of this magnitude. Your hard work will pay off big time, trust me. MojoPortal is just getting warmed up.

Thanks again,

6/1/2010 7:11:56 AM
Total Posts 18439

Re: iCalendar support


Sorry but this request for iCalendar support from 2008 drifted off my radar and has not been implemented. I now have a better system of tracking feature requests and to do items and have added this to my to do list for Event Calendar Pro so I won't forget it this time.



6/1/2010 7:55:47 PM
Total Posts 15

Re: iCalendar support

Excellent and glad to hear. If there is anything I can do to help you get this completed, I am at your disposal. My users have been clamoring for this for some time now and I find myself with a few spare interrupts.

I have some users on the MAC and after reading the specs on the iCalendar format, it appears that vCalendar would be useful as well. Is that also on the radar and do you have an E.T.C at this point or are you still sprint planning? smiley

I was thinking that perhaps a calendar link for each next to the RSS feeds in CalendarViewMenu would be good. Your thoughts?


6/2/2010 9:50:57 AM
Total Posts 18439

Re: iCalendar support


I'm not sure how soon I will get to it but once I have some initial work done, I'd be glad to have your help testing it. I will look into vCalendar as well. We do already support hCalendar microformat in Event Calendar Pro.

It is very difficult for me to estimate when things will be completed, I can usually estimate to some degree how much effort will be involved but the problem is that other things need to be done as well so I don't usually get to just stay focused on one thing at a time. I'd guess I need about a solid week of effort to implement iCalendar but it may take a month or so to actually apply that amount of effort.

I would like to implement both import and export as iCalendar, the export probably will be a link similar to RSS for a list of events but also it should be possible to export a single event.



6/3/2010 9:08:33 AM
Total Posts 15

Re: iCalendar support

Excellent, I hadn't even thought about import  functionalityblush. In the meanwhile I've already created an iCalendarHandler that does the minimum of what I need by taking the calendar moduleid, begin and end dates off the url and sends out the event.ics containing the events in the range.

To do this I did have to create a new stored procedure since the sts_CalendarEvents_SelectByDate did not perform as expected. It returns all events for the given module instead of events within the given dates inclusively. This SP is located in SchemaUpgradeScripts

I have a seperate "Reservations" module I created that prefills events added to the calendar and I'm using it for just that, taking reservations, The authorized user then merely has to fill in the desired dates and hit the Confirm reservation button. The backend then validates the event, makes sure there are no overlapping dates and adds the event to the calendar. It ties to the user module by taking their assigned color and name and placing the event on the calendar.

One of these days, I'll get around to finishing off my personal site and begin publishing some of the additional modules I've already written for this great product. Another I have is a recent photos module that takes a selectable number of photos from a selectable set of photo galleries and, using jquery cycle, creates an on the fly slide show. It optionally can use the vertigo silverlight stuff as well. Which leads to my next question, I don't see the XAP in the new code base on codeplex, am I missing something?

Anywho - again, I am very happy with mojoPortal. You have a great product here - KEEP UP THE GREAT WORK!

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