Modifying Existing Skin

A place for discussion about skinning and design. Before posting questions here you should review the documentation about creating skins.

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9/2/2008 10:15:57 PM
Total Posts 33

Modifying Existing Skin

Hi Joe,

I am trying to modify an existing skin jsavard-subblue, I have been reading the skin documentation, but I still don't know how to move the menu on the left to the top (vertical to horizontal). Could you please give me a hint?

Also does mojo portal caches the skins? cos even I have deleted the skin folder(....../site/1/skin/myskin) the page still renders correctly.



9/3/2008 6:39:01 AM
Total Posts 18439

Re: Modifying Existing Skin

First make sure you copy a skin and rename the folder, don't modify existing skins or when you upgrade it might get overwritten and lose your customization. Avoid this by putting it in your own folder with a new name.

Note that skins are located in 2 places, make sure you are editing the ones under you site specific folder /Data/Sites/[SiteID]/skins

I recommend if you want a horizontal menu start with a skin that already has that, colors are the easiest things to change, changing layout is a lot more trial and error work.

ASP.NET caches the master page layout.master, web browsers cache css files.

Hope it helps,


9/3/2008 5:46:47 PM
Total Posts 33

Re: Modifying Existing Skin

HI Joe,

How do I disable masterpage caching? I need to modify the layout.master file



9/3/2008 10:45:23 PM
Total Posts 33

Re: Modifying Existing Skin

 Hi Joe, 

I am modifying the layout.Master and running it on visual studio app server, however, the it's not showing what I have changed.

I think I am working at the correct file


Why is that?



9/4/2008 5:56:56 AM
Total Posts 18439

Re: Modifying Existing Skin

I don't know, it works for me if I make a change. Did you set the skin to "MyTempalte" in Site Settings? Are you sure you are using the same skin you are editing? If you change css does that work? I would pur a border on something using css and make sure that works. Thats would indicate that you are editing the same skin as you are using.

.modulecontent{ border: solid thin black; }

Hope it helps,


9/4/2008 3:42:44 PM
Total Posts 33

Re: Modifying Existing Skin

Hi Joe,

the css changes are showing up, just the layout.master file is not.



9/5/2008 7:14:44 AM
Total Posts 18439

Re: Modifying Existing Skin

Is this on a dev machine or on a hosted server? Is it medium trust?

You might try copying your layout.master file from your skin folder into the /App_MasterPages folder. In medium trust it might be using that file.

Hope it helps,


9/7/2008 4:12:48 PM
Total Posts 33

Re: Modifying Existing Skin

 Hi Joe,

I copied the layout file to app_master pages folder and still showing the same page layout, however, when I had a typo in the layout file, the iis server complained about it.

also how do I change the trust level?





9/7/2008 5:03:48 PM
Total Posts 33

Re: Modifying Existing Skin

 Hi Joe,

finally got it working, what I have found out is, I had a error in the layout.master, I was using <!-- --> to comment out one of the control, once I changed it to <%-- --> then it worked, just curious if mojo portal detects an error in layout.master and will automatically roll back to the correct version.



9/8/2008 6:35:47 AM
Total Posts 18439

Re: Modifying Existing Skin

mojoPortal doesn't provide a feature for editing layout.master and has no way of rolling back changes you make in layout.master file using an external editor.  Someday I do hope to build a tool for editing skins right in the browser, but we do no have this today.

If an error occurs in loading a master page from a custom skin it will fallback to using ~/Data/skins/styleshout-techmania/layout.Master as a failsafe.

Hope it helps,


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