import users

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8/26/2008 4:29:45 PM
Total Posts 33

import users

Hi Joe,

I have configured mojo to use LDAP login, I know that when a user signs in, it will automatically creates the account in mojo.

Is there a way to import all the users in our database into mojo?



8/27/2008 6:27:39 AM
Total Posts 18439

Re: import users

Hi James,

No there is not currently any feature for importing users. You could potentially write one.



8/27/2008 1:25:59 PM
Total Posts 19

Re: import users

I've created a page to import users from a .csv file.  It works well if anyone needs this functionality.

It basically parses a .csv file into a datatable, displays the records in a gidview by binding to the datatable, and then creates the users from each row in the datatable.  After creating each user,  the datatable is updated with results and errors and the grid is rebound to show the results.

If the user exists, the user is updated with the data in the file.

8/27/2008 3:43:28 PM
Total Posts 33

Re: import users

Hi Joe and Scott,

Mojo does automatically creates the record if it is hooked up to LDAP, perhaps you could tell me which page, which function is doing that? so I can hijack that and pump the data in?

Scott, I have the users in oracle table, so I need to push the users into mojo.




8/27/2008 4:36:41 PM
Total Posts 33

Re: import users

Hi Joe,

I am able to add  the user into the database programmatically

SiteUser user = new SiteUser(siteSettings);
user.LoginName = "jw1234";
user.Name = "Julie Woods";
user.SetProperty("StaffNumber", "1234", SettingsSerializeAs.String);

however, I am not able to save the custom property "StaffNumber" when creating the new user, given the fact that I have added the entry in mojoProfile.config and ProfileResource.resx.

Have I used the incorrect method?



8/27/2008 4:40:29 PM
Total Posts 18439

Re: import users

call user.Save() before setting your custom property, then set your property. You may need to call.Save again or maybe not, test it to see for sure.

Hope it helps,


8/27/2008 4:45:52 PM
Total Posts 33

Re: import users

Hi Joe,

thanks very much, it worked.

for those who had similar problem, here is the code to add the new user and set the properties

SiteUser user = new SiteUser(siteSettings);
user.LoginName = "jw1234";
user.Name = "Julie Woods";
user.SetProperty("StaffNumber", "1234", SettingsSerializeAs.String);




8/28/2008 6:26:14 AM
Total Posts 18439

Re: import users

I think the second call to save may not be needed and if not its better not to call it. Custom properties are stored in a different table and I think the call to SetProperty does persist it. But a userid is needed and that why you must first save the user (this creates the user id), then you can set the property.

So I would comment out that second call to save and if it works then leave it out.



8/28/2008 3:40:54 PM
Total Posts 33

Re: import users

Thanks Joe, I have corrected my last post.

1/20/2010 8:07:56 PM
Total Posts 29

Re: import users


When I populate the table mp_users from the database of DNN,

The users online stop of working, I tryed to populate the mp_userroles table, but didnt solve the problem

Is there anything missing:?



1/21/2010 12:54:53 PM
Total Posts 29

Re: import users

I found a stored procedure to insert a user,

So I saw the basic fields that was missing.

Best Wishes


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