no skins?

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  • What operating system were you running when the bug appeared?
  • What database platform is your site using?
  • What version of mojoPortal are you running?
  • What version of .NET do you use?
  • What steps are necessary to reproduce the issue? Compare expected results vs actual results.

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8/18/2008 9:10:39 AM
Total Posts 69

no skins?

Hi, I've uploaded my new mojo site and it seems to be working but there are no skins.

There's a list of skins in the Admin -> Site Settings but changing them makes no difference.

See here ->

any ideas?

8/18/2008 9:27:15 AM
Total Posts 18439

Re: no skins?

Something is very strange about your installation. Are you using url forwarding or something like that? Or did you modify the skin files?

When I make a browser request for your main style file:

I see this:

@import url('../../../../../../web/Data/Sites/1/skins/andreasviklund-02/stylelayout.css');
@import url('../../../../../../web/Data/Sites/1/skins/andreasviklund-02/stylecolors.css');
@import url('../../../../../../web/Data/Sites/1/skins/andreasviklund-02/styleimages.css');
@import url('../../../../../../web/Data/Sites/1/skins/andreasviklund-02/styleborders.css');
@import url('../../../../../../web/Data/Sites/1/skins/andreasviklund-02/style-gridview.css');

It should not have all those ../../

Thats why its not styling.

If you request my main style sheet:

You will see it should look like this:

@import url('stylelayout.css');
@import url('stylecolors.css');
@import url('styleimages.css');
@import url('styleborders.css');
@import url('style-gridview.css');

Using @import the path is relative to the css file that is doing the importing so ../ is not needed.

Hope it helps,


8/18/2008 9:42:19 AM
Total Posts 69

Re: no skins?

My web host uses www for the web root folder rather than web

I put the site into Dreamweaver and changed the folder to www and then let it update all the links, unfortunately DW crashed mid-update and then had to re-do it. It looks like it's tried to update these files with the ../ each time.

thanks for the input, looks like I'll haveto start afresh.

8/18/2008 9:44:29 AM
Total Posts 18439

Re: no skins?

Why are you doing all that? Just put the files in the www folder, there is no requirement for a folder named web, the requirement is that the files live in the root folder of the web site.

Hope it helps,


12/12/2008 11:40:53 AM
Total Posts 41

Re: no skins?


I'm having the same issue. I've set up three test machines with Mojo on them. One Server 2003 (32bit) box is fine but I have a Vista 64bit Ultimate box at home that will not show any theme or css. I installed in on my Vista machine at work (also Ultimate 64bit) and I get the same problem. I've published my work machine temporarily so anyone can have a look.

Any help would be appreciated.



12/12/2008 11:51:35 AM
Total Posts 18439

Re: no skins?

Vista has IIS 7, in IIS 7 you should configure the app pool for the mojoPortal site as "Classic" as opposed to the default "Integrated"

Hope it helps,


12/12/2008 11:55:36 AM
Total Posts 41

Re: no skins?


Yes that worked!!  Thanks!!


6/17/2010 12:52:14 AM
Total Posts 147
Download Free Mojo Skins

Re: no skins?

I have this same problem.  I read all the instructions, about copying the skins dir into sites/1/skins, and putting in a space in the web.config file and saving it, and after I did that, the site wouldn't work at all.  So I deleted it, thinking that DNS-propagation and instant-alias from my host were screwing up the works.  Well, now I've reinstalled it, and I have the exact same problem, even though my nameservers are now resolved and I don't have to use the instant-alias anymore.  But when I look at the web.config, I'm not really surprised that re-saving it didn't work -- the thing is basically blank -- the connection string is just default, none of my actual connection info is shown there -- how can that be, when the site is running?  Where is it getting the connection info from?  Where is the actual db and connection info actually stored?

This is important to me, because I am a TOTAL ASP.NET-noob, connection strings wig me out completely, and I'd really like to see how the site has actually written that info which I entered when I installed the program (using the Microsoft Web App Gallery installer).

Needless to say, I'd also really like to have some kind of theme or template or skin, instead of plain unformatted text.


I've installed MojoPortal v2.3.4.3; when I look at the tab in "myLittleAdmin" that says "server info" it shows this:

Version             10.0.2531.0

Product level    SP1

Edition             Enterprise Edition (64-bit)

Resource version  10.00.2531

Resource last update time  Mar 29 2009 12:30PM

CLR version     v2.0.50727

Language         English (United States)

Platform           NT x64


I have no real idea what any of it means.  I know the thing is MS server hosting; ASP.NET 2.x, or 3.5; I can't keep straight if it's supposed to be called 2.whatever or 3.5 or what either figure signifies.  It's a MS SQL 2008 database.

I sure hope you can help me; from the stuff on this website, I had thought this CMS might be easier for a to deal with than DNN, but if I can't even get a theme/skin to display, then I guess it really isn't.



Version             10.0.2531.0

Product level    SP1

Edition                         Enterprise Edition (64-bit)

Resource version  10.00.2531

Resource last update time  Mar 29 2009 12:30PM

CLR version     v2.0.50727

Language         English (United States)

Platform           NT x64

6/17/2010 6:45:32 AM
Total Posts 18439

Re: no skins?

Hi Andria,

The Web.config file should not be empty, there should be lots of settings in there, so I wonder if you are looking at the right Web.config, it should be in the root folder of the web site.

Now the part about a default connection string in Web.config is ok. The deal with that is that anything listed in the <appSettings section of Web.config including the connection strings, we can override in a user.config file. So if you see a user.config file in the root, likely the real connection string is there. The idea of the user.config is that you can keep appSettings there that you have changed from their default values and by keeping them there they will not be overwritten if you later upgrade to a newer version of mojoPortal and get a new Web.config. It only works for appSettings section though, so if you customize other sections of Web.config you still need to add your modifications to the new Web.config on upgrades.

The main thing to know about user.config is that ASP.NET does not automatically detect changes to that file like it does to Web.config, so if you make a change to user.config you still need to touch Web.config to make it load the settings again.

Ok, hopefully that answered the Web.config confusion, moving on to the skins issue. When you first visited the /Setup/Default.aspx page it should have copied the skins from the library at /Data/skins into the site specific directory at /Data/Sites/1/skins, but sometimes it may time out and not get all the files and skins may not work. Copying the folders from /Data/skins to /Data/Sites/1/skins manually typically solves the problem, but you say you tried that and it did not solve it for you. What I would do next is view the source of the page on your home page and near the top look for the url for the css, it will be like ...csshandler.ashx?..., copy the whole url and paste it into the browser navigation bar in a new tab. If it is working correctly it should show some css, but if an error is happening it may give a clue to the problem that will help solve it. If the site has a public url that you could post I'd be glad to take a look for you.

Hope it helps,


6/17/2010 3:14:59 PM
Total Posts 147
Download Free Mojo Skins

Re: no skins?

No, still no style.  I did everything you said; everything said in the FAQ post; fixed the connection string to reflect my own info in web.config and re-uploaded it; cleared cache, cookies, and practically stood up on the clear cache button in firefox, still nothing.

When I check the source now, the source is showing the theme I selected -- the topmost portion of the page looks like this:

<!DOCTYPE html>
<head id="ctl01_Head1"><title>
	CrypticSites.NET - Home
<link rel='stylesheet' type='text/css' href='' />
<link rel='stylesheet' type='text/css' href=';s=1&amp;v=' />
<!--[if IE]>
<script defer="defer" src="" type="text/javascript"></script>

<!--[if lt IE 7]>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="" type="text/css" id="IEMenuCSS" />
<!--[if IE 7]>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="" type="text/css" id="IE7MenuCSS" />


But, when I put in that url --;s=1&amp;v= -- I get a big ol server error!  So, just out of curiosity, I went and looked into the site's root dir, and that file, csshandler.ashx, is not present -- it's just not there.  So, now what?  I thought of copying it from the ZIP file I downloaded the other day of Mojo, but I think the one I downloaded the other day is, and I didn't know what, if any, difference the different version number would make.

The site is at -- it's all still completely default, since if I can't make it look good, to me the site isn't even started yet.

So, I just have no idea what to do with this thing.  *sigh*

Thx! (and thanks very much for overlooking my tantrum the other day, this thing is frustrating me beyond comprehension or civility, but I'm starting to get a tiny glimmer -- TINY! -- of how this ASP.NET stuff works),





6/17/2010 3:26:18 PM
Total Posts 18439

Re: no skins?


On the other thread here, I replied this morning and told you there is an error happening when I tried your css handler url. We need to find out what the the error is to solve it, as I said in the other thread by checking the mojoportal error log.

I do have a guess about the error but the error detail would make it easier. My guess is your host is missing a configuration for .ashx extensions to be handled by ASP.NET, I've seen this occasionally on some hosting. With the correct configuration it does not require an actual file named csshandler.ashx. However, you could try creating an empty text file named csshanlder.ashx and put it in the root of your site, it is possible that will solve it even with the incorrect configuration.

If that does not help please check the mojoportal error log as mentioned on the other thread, look near the bottom for an error related to csshandler.

Hope it helps,


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