Serious performance issues...

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Post here for help with installation of mojoPortal pre-compiled release packages

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  • What operating system were you running when the bug appeared?
  • What database platform is your site using?
  • What version of mojoPortal are you running?
  • What version of .NET do you use?
  • What steps are necessary to reproduce the issue? Compare expected results vs actual results.

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8/5/2008 2:00:27 PM
Total Posts 40

Serious performance issues...

Hi all,

I'm having some serious performance problems with sites I've updated with the latest build (2-2-6-7). I think it may have something to do with the indexing, as it seems to occur when I change page content and I don't see any files in the data/sites/1/index folder. I'm running under medium trust on shared hosting, has anyone else experienced this problem? At the moment my sites aren't loading at all although this usually stops being an issue after some time, but I can't pin down exactly when. This is one of the sites which isn't laoding: although it may be loading again by the time anyone looks at it...

I've just checked one page which has been hanging when trying to save and the status of the page is 'waiting for'.

Any ideas anyone?


8/5/2008 2:01:59 PM
Total Posts 40

Re: Serious performance issues...

Actually I just realised that the sessionkeepalive status showed up after I'd cancelled commiting page changes to the database due to how long it had been hanging for, so it might be a red herring...

8/5/2008 2:07:27 PM
Total Posts 18439

Re: Serious performance issues...


I found a problem I introduced into the task framework with this release. I'm working on the fix right now and should have it posted in a few hours. The task framework runs the task that does the indexing so I'm sure this is the problem.

Sorry about that, I'll have it fixed asap.



8/5/2008 2:39:09 PM
Total Posts 40

Re: Serious performance issues...

Ok no worries, thanks for the quick response as always Joe,


8/5/2008 2:45:38 PM
Total Posts 18439

Re: Serious performance issues...

The new file is up now,, other db versions to follow soon.

The bug I introduced was pretty bad. The task queue manages tasks on background threads. When I changed the way the tasks are serialized to fix the medium trust issues I introduced a bug in the detection of whether the task manager task is still running, it would come back false so multiple instances of the task were being launched when there should only be one. Each instance is on a new thread so using up threads from the thread pool.

Sorry for the inconvenience of having to upgrade so many times, if its any consolation I'm having to do it too.




8/5/2008 3:02:32 PM
Total Posts 40

Re: Serious performance issues...

Not a problem at all, thanks for putting the fix in so quickly.

Thanks again,

8/5/2008 5:06:09 PM
Total Posts 40

Re: Serious performance issues...

Hi Joe,

It doesn't look like the index is being built correctly. I've left the site for about an hour which I rebuilt using the latest release files, and the index still doesn't seem to be being built (there are no files in the index file, and the search doesn't work). The url is Do you have any idea why this may be? Does this work properly in your testing? I've copied the lucene string which setup tells me to use and put that intp the web.config file but it still isn't working.

If you'd like a test environment for medium trust or need login details to my site then please email me and I'll be happy to do whatever's needed.


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