How to co-browse a website with my friend? What do you recommend?

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7/1/2008 4:45:50 AM
Total Posts 1

How to co-browse a website with my friend? What do you recommend?

Is there a special add-on or an application, possibly web based, that I could use to co-browse websites with my friend? So that I could see the contents of my friends screen, when he's surfing the web.

Would this kind of a add-on be available for Mojo?

7/1/2008 1:37:45 PM
Total Posts 18439

Re: How to co-browse a website with my friend? What do you recommend?

To be able to view the same browser requires sharing the desktop, there is nothing that can be done in a web page to enable this it requires some kind of desktop sharing software. Using any of those you should be able to visit any web site. You can do things like this with Microsoft Groove or GoToAssist or other similar products, of which there are many.

Hope it helps,


7/29/2008 4:49:00 AM
Total Posts 1

Re: How to co-browse a website with my friend? What do you recommend?

I'm not sure about add-ons or applications, but there's this ”web 2.0 site” called I've used it couple of times and worked fine.

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