Headers of modules

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7/14/2005 1:32:14 PM
Total Posts 19

Re: Headers of modules

I saw by trying to skin the portal that headers of modules are separated in another table.
I think it would make it easier to skin the portal if modules headers would be in the same table than
the module.

??? ??? module title here

??? ?? Maybe edit Module icons here*

??? ??? module content here

??? ??? module footer content here

For now this is the only problem that I'm facing since when I'm trying to design.
The module header in the content panel is always thinner in width than the module itself.
7/14/2005 2:31:17 PM
Total Posts 18439

Re: Headers of modules

If you look in /Controls/ModuleTitle.ascx you will see the table for the Module header and the problem is it has Width="98%", change it to 100% and that should fix it. I just made the same change in my copy so it will be in the next release and in svn this weekend.

Looking forward to seeing what you come up with


7/14/2005 4:24:49 PM
Total Posts 19

Re: Headers of modules

I modified the width of the ModuleTitle.ascx and it fixed the width problem.
I m still having problem adding a border to each module because ModuleTitle and ModuleContent are separated in different

I think the best thing would be to integrate the ModuleTitle in each modules.

Also by doing a reply here I just found that we could see all replys beneat this editor.
IMHO I think it would be easier if we would see most recent posts on top... just change the SQL Statement for ORDER BY dateposted DESC

7/14/2005 5:07:29 PM
Total Posts 18439

Re: Headers of modules

>I think the best thing would be to integrate the ModuleTitle in each modules.

I'm open to that idea, let me look into it. I want to make your job as a designer as easy as possible.

>IMHO I think it would be easier if we would see most recent posts on top... just change the SQL Statement for ORDER BY dateposted DESC.

are you sure you would like that? think about the first entry is the post that started the thread, you want that on the bottom?
I think that is a good way to sort threads (newest to oldest so the most recent topic with a post is first) but posts within a thread are easier to understand in sequence to get the flow of the conversation.
7/14/2005 5:10:19 PM
Total Posts 18439

Re: Headers of modules

oh wait, sorry, you're talking about when you are replying in the edit view, yes that would make more sense because you re most likely replying to the most recent post. I'll do that.

duh! like I'm writing this and can't see what you wrote last!


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