How to configure web.config to use Developer Tools when use sqlitedb?

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5/18/2008 12:47:31 AM
Total Posts 59

How to configure web.config to use Developer Tools when use sqlitedb?

Hi, Joe.

I conifg in web.config as below:


<add key="DisableDBAdminTool" value="false" />
<add key="ShowProviderListInDBAdminTool" value="true" />
<add key="EnableDeveloperMenuInAdminMenu" value="true" />


<add name="Subsonic-SQLite" connectionString="Data Source=I:\mojoportal\Web\Data\sqlitedb\mojoportal.db" />


The "Developer Tools" is show
but, the page "Data Administration and "Code Generator" can't be opened,

block at dbadmin.aspx:


private void BuildTableList()
TableSchema.Table[] tables = DataService.GetTables(ProviderName);



Maybe I didn't config  right.

So, how to config web.config to make it work?


5/18/2008 7:36:20 AM
Total Posts 18439

Re: How to configure web.config to use Developer Tools when use sqlitedb?

Wow, you're really diving deep into the experimental stuff :-)

You've got the config right, the only setting you don't show is <add key="SubSonicProvider" value="subsonicSQLite" />

I think the problem is a bug/regression in my SQLiteMonoDataProvider.cs. Its not included in the main solution, only the precompiled SubSonic.dll is there, but if you checkout in a separate folder and change the reference from the dll to a project reference with the SubSonic.csproj you can step through the code. I will do this myself when I get a chance but mentioning it in case you don't want to wait.

The reason I think there is a bug in the provider is  recently there was a bug in the links module for Sqlite and I had to back out the use of SubSonic there though it was previously working. I just haven't had a chance to look into it and I have other more pressing priorities at the moment.



5/19/2008 8:22:02 PM
Total Posts 59

Re: How to configure web.config to use Developer Tools when use sqlitedb?

HI, Joe

     The Project SubSonic  need  reference some other projects, but when i check out all,

    as if the solution SubSonic still lacks some other referenced projects.


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