Several generic questions.

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5/8/2008 8:21:35 AM
Total Posts 20

Several generic questions.

Hello - I have several questions regarding usage of mojoPortal. I have it setup on my host (Brinkster) in full trust mode.  A little background, I am attempting to migrate from several classic asp sites with an Access backend to this upgraded CMS.  I love the concept, but I am wanting to make sure I have the paradigm down before I really dive in.

1. Is there a place I can preview currently available skins? Is the setup of the skin where I would set the screen width of the application?

2. Database - In my current setup (Classic ASP/Access) I have a links table specific to one domain that looks like the list below.  If I needed a list of the links, I would do a select statement and pull it from the database.  Do I lose this option completely if I utilize mojoPortal links?  Can I upload my current list in mass via SQL statement?  Personally, I would rather have one links table across all of the sites (parent/child) with appropriate fields added like SiteID

ItemID adInteger (ms access - NUMBER / sql server - INT) Size: 4
Category adVarWChar (ms access - TEXT) Size: 50
SubCategory adVarWChar (ms access - TEXT) Size: 50
Title adLongVarWChar (ms access - MEMO) Size: 1073741823
URL adLongVarWChar (ms access - MEMO) Size: 1073741823
Target adVarWChar (ms access - TEXT) Size: 50
SortOrder adInteger (ms access - NUMBER / sql server - INT) Size: 4
UploadedBy adVarWChar (ms access - TEXT) Size: 50
ApprovedBy adVarWChar (ms access - TEXT) Size: 50
HitCount adInteger (ms access - NUMBER / sql server - INT) Size: 4
EmailCount adInteger (ms access - NUMBER / sql server - INT) Size: 4
Flag adVarWChar (ms access - TEXT) Size: 3

Thank you for your assistance.  Looking forward to working with mojoPortal.


5/8/2008 8:35:35 AM
Total Posts 18439

Re: Several generic questions.


1. The version of mojoPortal you are using has all the available skins for that version except for some that are available on the community download page. Most of those skins used to also be included in mojoPortal but I moved them out as most were not what I consider great looking though some aren't bad. I hope to get some little screen shots up for those soon so you can decide whether to download them more easily. All the new skins I've been working on for the next release can be viewed on for now, but will be included in the next release which will hopefully be ready sometime this weekend. So far this is 12 new skins based on 9 designs.  5 more new skins based on 2 sets of similar designs are also targeted for this release.

2. We do have a single Links table which is used for all instances of links feature across sites. It doesn't have all the fields to match your schema. For example we currently don't have categories, though I have a design plan for a general tagging feature which will be used across features, not just in links. Not sure how soon that will be ready but it is on my road map and considered a high value feature.

You can learn more by looking at the database schema for mojoPortal.

Hope it helps,


5/8/2008 12:48:54 PM
Total Posts 20

Re: Several generic questions.

Joe - Thanks for the quick responses.  I will utilize the links functionality you have, but is there a way to share a links module created on the homepage and utilize it across several pages?   I essentially want all the pages to have the same sidebars of links. 

As for uploading new versions.  What/how often should I look for updates?  Are the updates full versions or do you specify what needs changed from a file perspective?



5/8/2008 1:58:42 PM
Total Posts 18439

Re: Several generic questions.


You can publish items on multiple pages (as shown in this video) and there is also a way to do it in layout.master so that an item appears on all pages without having to publish it on all pages, see this thread.

mojoPortal is under very active development and I am of the release early release often philosophy so I would check back frequently or subscribe to the blog. Of course its up to you if you want to upgrade every time a new release is made.

Generally I recommend always update everything to make sure you don't miss any important changes. For example you should never try to keep your old Web.config file because you may end up missing some settings. Instead, you can put most of your Web.config customizations in a user.config file as indicated in this article, and this makes it less painful to upgrade Web.config.

I have some recommendations about uploading files here and some other tips about upgrading here.

The next release is mostly new skins but there were plumbing changes needed to support some of the new designs so its best to upgrade everything even on this coming release.

Hope it helps,


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