csshandler.ashx URL is pending and site load slowly

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8/11/2023 4:57:17 AM
Total Posts 51
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csshandler.ashx URL is pending and site load slowly

Hi Guys!

When I reload my site after long time (1H) or first time on other computer "csshandler.ashx"  is pending  and load slowly (about 1min).

This is a problem when site load for first time.

This is my config for Cache:



CombineCSS= true

MinifyCSS= true

 Can you help me for this problem?


8/11/2023 9:02:40 AM
Total Posts 2247

Re: csshandler.ashx URL is pending and site load slowly

Hi Sadegh!!!

We've noticed this happen when we're using a CSS file that has already been minified and we keep MinifyCSS=true. Try setting MinifyCSS=false and "touch" the web.config.

Hope this helps,


9/8/2023 1:19:16 AM
Total Posts 51
Share our knowledge,Take world in our hands.

Re: csshandler.ashx URL is pending and site load slowly

Thanks Joe

 Problem solved with your solution.