Newsletter model not shown

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3/14/2023 12:43:37 PM
Total Posts 159

Newsletter model not shown

i have two identical mojo sites...same version same server machine. one of which is almost empty because I use it for testing while the other is an active portal. on the test site I uploaded a template for a newsletter in the emailtemplates folder and I also uploaded it on the second site. on the site that I use as a test, I see the new one among the newsletter templates while on the other site I don't. the newsletter file is the same. I wonder why this behavior.

are there any limits? on the production site I saved about 80 newsletters as templates... is there a limit? why don't I see the new model loaded?


is it a bug?

3/14/2023 2:54:37 PM
Total Posts 2247

Re: Newsletter model not shown

Hi Massi,

There's not a limit as far as I know but 80 templates seems like a lot.

Please complete this form to send us connection information for your site. You have been given access to this form for this thread only and access will be removed once we resolve this issue.

Thank you,

3/16/2023 12:05:10 PM
Total Posts 159

Re: Newsletter model not shown

i have compiled the form ...    have news ?



3/19/2023 9:36:16 AM
Total Posts 2247

Re: Newsletter model not shown

We have responded through our ticketing system. Please check your SPAM for messages from our support email address.

Thank you,

3/19/2023 12:58:43 PM
Total Posts 159

Re: Newsletter model not shown

Hi Joe,

I have never received anything in my mail or even in spam, these are things I pay attention to.


make sure you wrote to the right address

3/20/2023 12:40:24 PM
Total Posts 2247

Re: Newsletter model not shown

Hi Massi,

We're responding to the email address you used when you sent in the request. You had responded to our earlier messages from the system as well.

Our last message to you was:

We looked into the issue yesterday and found that the data\emailtemplates folder is only read by the system when no templates exist in the database and should not be used to import templates. Please copy the HTML content of the file you are wanting to be a template and paste it in the source view of the WYSIWYG editor then save your template.

I'm posting it here because it benefits the community.

Thank you,

3/20/2023 1:01:43 PM
Total Posts 159

Re: Newsletter model not shown

Okay Joe..

you did well to respond publicly so it helps everyone who may need it


thank you very much


great Mojo

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