Superflexi - Thank you!

A place for discussion about skinning and design. Before posting questions here you should review the documentation about creating skins.

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11/28/2022 3:36:45 PM
Total Posts 60

Superflexi - Thank you!

Just wanted to say a massive THANK YOU for keeping on with mojoPortal!

We've hosted Mojo sites for many many years.  As you can imagine, over time a number of our users have moved their sites elsewhere and, as site-hosting isn't our main business, we've been happy to see them go.  But this left a number that were looking decidedly long-in-the-tooth (mostly the ones that I had more personal responsibility for!).

Having played with a number of other options - Wix, Squarespace, Wordpress, I thought I'd have a go at throwing some effort at creating a new mojoPortal skin (based on framework) that would make the most of bootstrap etc, and I also decided to bite the bullet with SuperFlexi.  And I have to say I LOVE it!  

Most of our sites have fairly modest needs and I'm really enjoying being able to do all the customization I want, without having a million design and module options imposed on me (looking at you WP), keeping things nice & clean.

So a big thank you to the team, and long live mojoPortal!


11/29/2022 9:57:49 AM
Total Posts 2254

Re: Superflexi - Thank you!


Thank you for the kind words. Your experience is very similar to our own.

There are some cool things in the works for mojo and SuperFlexi. It will be more flexible than ever before.

We'd love to see your new skin, by the way. 

Thanks again,

11/29/2022 10:05:13 AM
Total Posts 60

Re: Superflexi - Thank you!

Hi Joe,

Having bigged-it up I'm a bit embarrassed to "show and tell" as it's so simple at the moment, but it's 

Some of it's handcrafted (for instance I didn't spot the "Personnel List" Superflexi option 'til after I'd done my own, so there's something to refactor...

Anyway thanks once again


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