Custom Module Setting File Browser

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6/29/2022 12:22:41 PM
Total Posts 220

Custom Module Setting File Browser

I have a simple module that only runs off of a few module settings. It's a site alert bar which has copy, url and display status (true/false). I'm trying to make the URL field popup the file manager so I can browse and select a page.

Has anyone put something together that would easily work for this without a lot of messing around? I know I need to use the isettingcontrol type. I copied something from superflexi that sorta works, but it isn't putting the selected page into my field. Plus it's tapping into superflexi which isn't ideal, I'd rather this be more self-contained and not hacked together.

6/29/2022 2:33:12 PM
Total Posts 220

Re: Custom Module Setting File Browser

Making progress. For my isettingcontrol I have this code and it works to browse and select a file or page. Awesome! However: It's relying on the Inherits="SuperFlexiUI.FeaturedImageSetting" to read the field value back into the imageUrl textbox. Not sure if there's an easy way to get that value. This will be a nice little filebrowser example if this last detail is nailed down. I'll keep playing.

<%@ Control Language="C#" AutoEventWireup="true" Inherits="SuperFlexiUI.FeaturedImageSetting" %>

<script type="text/c#" runat="server">
    protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
        browse.Text = "Browse";
        browse.TextBoxClientId = imageUrl.ClientID;     

<asp:TextBox ID="imageUrl" CssClass="forminput" runat="server" style="width:260px" />
<portal:FileBrowserTextBoxExtender ID="browse" BrowserType="file" runat="server" CssClass="btn btn-link"/>

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