Search not indexing

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11/1/2008 4:36:18 PM
Total Posts 18439

Re: Search not indexing

I'll experiment tomorrow and see if I can produce the problem here.



11/1/2008 5:52:27 PM
Total Posts 183

Re: Search not indexing

Thanks Joe.

11/2/2008 6:04:23 AM
Total Posts 18439

Re: Search not indexing

I tested on my machine using both hostname based multi sites and folder based multi sites and it works as expected in both cases.

So I can only guess its some configuration or permission issue if its not working on your machine.

Are you seeing any errors in the log related to writing the index?

Do you have any virtual directory mappings beneath the root of the mojoportal site or anything like that going on in your installation or anything different about your environment that you haven't mentioned?



11/2/2008 8:55:12 AM
Total Posts 183

Re: Search not indexing


I have something that is really strange: when I have created the first site, i put all the files in a folder.
But when I saw that I could setup multiple sites, I have change the folder name.
Nothing to see in the log of mojoportal, but I have checked the event viewer:
Exception: System.UnauthorizedAccessException

Message: Access to the path 'path\FolderFirstname\Data\Sites\2\index\' is denied.
So I guess that the path of the site is somewhere stored. I have searched in all files in the mojoportal folder, nothing there.
Went to the db and I saw a link to the path mentioned above. I have truncate the mp_IndexingQueue table, did again a search, again everything indexed if I look in the log file, but every page came also in the mp_IndexingQueue table.
And after a while, I have had results


11/2/2008 9:34:27 AM
Total Posts 18439

Re: Search not indexing

That makes sense, glad you got it working.

It does store the index path which it calculates in the db when it queues items for indexing. It must do this because the indexing happens on a background thread which has not http context and therefore that thread can't figure out the path by itself so it needs the task to tell it what the path is.

So your items got queued into the db with the old path then the physical path changed before the task that would write to the index started and the path in the db was no longer valid.



9/3/2012 1:55:09 PM
Total Posts 13

Re: Search not indexing

Hi joe,

i have the same issue as discuss above.

no results found, and my index folder is empty and the server logs shows me


"Finished indexing Forums."

e.g. i copy and paste the end lines of server logs, my index folder is empty and i just found "no result found"

2012-09-03 23:41:59,895 INFO (null) - (null) - (null) - mojoPortal.Features.ForumThreadIndexBuilderProvider - ForumThreadIndexBuilderProvider indexing page - Partner
2012-09-03 23:42:00,766 INFO (null) - (null) - (null) - mojoPortal.Features.ForumThreadIndexBuilderProvider - ForumThreadIndexBuilderProvider indexing page - Professional-Development-Admin
2012-09-03 23:42:01,667 INFO (null) - (null) - (null) - mojoPortal.Features.ForumThreadIndexBuilderProvider - ForumThreadIndexBuilderProvider indexing page - ResearchAdminArchiveReport
2012-09-03 23:42:02,547 INFO (null) - (null) - (null) - mojoPortal.Features.ForumThreadIndexBuilderProvider - ForumThreadIndexBuilderProvider indexing page - Current Project
2012-09-03 23:42:03,419 INFO (null) - (null) - (null) - mojoPortal.Features.ForumThreadIndexBuilderProvider - ForumThreadIndexBuilderProvider indexing page - Event&Exibition
2012-09-03 23:42:04,285 INFO (null) - (null) - (null) - mojoPortal.Features.ForumThreadIndexBuilderProvider - ForumThreadIndexBuilderProvider indexing page - Solutions Admin
2012-09-03 23:42:05,171 INFO (null) - (null) - (null) - mojoPortal.Features.ForumThreadIndexBuilderProvider - ForumThreadIndexBuilderProvider indexing page - contactus-admin
2012-09-03 23:42:06,145 INFO (null) - (null) - (null) - mojoPortal.Business.WebHelpers.IndexHelper - Finished indexing Forums.

9/3/2012 2:02:07 PM
Total Posts 18439

Re: Search not indexing

If the index folder is empty it means there is not permission to write to that folder. The user that is the identity on the applicaiton pool needs full control of that folder.

9/3/2012 2:15:29 PM
Total Posts 13

Re: Search not indexing

how could i ensure the permission of folder??
i can edit the file in the index folder and make a new filw in this folder, it seems to me that this folder is writeable..


9/3/2012 2:26:35 PM
Total Posts 13

Re: Search not indexing

i also check the  table "mp_IndexingQueue" , this table has no entries

9/4/2012 11:09:46 AM
Total Posts 1203
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Re: Search not indexing

The /App_Data and /Data folders need to be writable by the application pool identity user in IIS, not by you. See the Securing the File System document for more information.


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