New Image Gallery with Release mojoPortal-2-2-5-3 4/11/2008 ?

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4/13/2008 9:02:02 PM
Total Posts 9

New Image Gallery with Release mojoPortal-2-2-5-3 4/11/2008 ?


I just downloaded the latest release/runtime bundle, then overlaid the SQLite package. Everything works with the exception (pun intended) of the Links widget. This is great stuff! I had been admiring mojoPortal "from afar", and now I'm finally giving it a run, and am very happy that I did.


Anyway, the image gallery is not the same as the one mentioned here

so I grabbed the latest source from svn.


Now, how do I integrate the new gallery?




4/14/2008 5:24:52 AM
Total Posts 18439

Re: New Image Gallery with Release mojoPortal-2-2-5-3 4/11/2008 ?


I don't know what you mean by overlaid the SQLite package. The SQLite package has everything it needs you don't need to overlay over anything.

The most likely cause for links not working is you don't have the correct setting for SubSonicProvider in your Web.config file.

If working with the source code, set the referecne from mojoPortal.Business to mojoPortal.Data.SQLite and remove the reference to mojoPortal.Data.MSSQL, build the solution, then visit /Setup/Default.aspx and it will install it.

You add the new "Image Gallery (Simple Folder version)" to a page just like any other feature. It is included in all the packages including the SQLite package.

Hope it helps,


4/16/2008 11:39:00 AM
Total Posts 9

Re: New Image Gallery with Release mojoPortal-2-2-5-3 4/11/2008 ?

I don't remember what I was doing when I said I "ovelaid the SQLite package". Sorry for the confusion.

Anyway, I did create a new page and added the simple gallery. I was able to upload a single image and it shows fine as the site admin and also as a regular nonpriveleged user. Following some other info (from your blog posts I think), I then SMB-copied a directory of images to\Data\Sites\1\GalleryImages\4\FullSizeImages

and also a different directory of images to\Data\Sites\1\FolderGalleries


But neither showed up on the gallery page. Only the single image I originally uploaded shows.


What did I miss?





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