Load Testing

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4/9/2008 9:53:12 AM
Total Posts 4

Load Testing

Has mojoPortal been load tested lately?  I have a site with 500k user accounts but no content management to speak of.  If I converted the site and security model over to mojoPortal and created modules for the data driven components, could the architecture handle a load of 5k users at once?  MS SQL and Win 2k3.

4/9/2008 12:35:02 PM
Total Posts 18439

Re: Load Testing

I do load testing on a regular basis between each major release to make sure I'm not losing performance over time, though my testing is not exhaustive of all features and all scenarios.

I've also done load testing comparisons of mojoPortal vs other .NET apps and mojoPortal compares favorably in my testing.

As far as specific numbers of user and requests of course that depends on hardware. Capacity planning requires a lot of effort. There is a very good article "How To Perform Capacity Planning" which outlines the steps involved with coming up with hard number predictions. As you can see its a lot of work to really do it right for all features. I have not found time to do all of that.

What I generally do is periodically dedicate some time to performance optimising, which I do using Red Gate Ants Profiler in conjunction with load testing. Red Gate helps find code that is slow and should be optimised and load testing verifies if the change had any impact.

4/9/2008 12:45:31 PM
Total Posts 4

Re: Load Testing

That is awesome.  Thanks for the link.  I'll go thru that for at least a login scenario.  The current application that got dropped on my doorstep is C++/ATL based, so a C# porting is needed as ATL isn't supported by Microsoft anymore.  If the solution can log in 5k users in a minute and keep a decent page response time, I'm good to go.  I haven't figured out how many servers I'm going to need for that so this link is going to be perfect.

You always point a guy in the right direction when he has a new project to deal with.



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