Performance and taking time to load the website

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8/18/2020 5:29:57 AM
Total Posts 1

Performance and taking time to load the website

 Hi, our website is taking time to load and we are facing performance issues with js files, we have checked the metric's of our website with an online tool(, they had stated the we need to optimize the loading of js files, is there any way to optimize js files like(  and which loading using script manager, and is there any solutions for quickly loading the website?


10/29/2020 11:26:00 PM
Total Posts 1

Re: Performance and taking time to load the website

Try these tips and see if it will optimize your js files,  first is order in which elements are loaded, it’s important that all elements in the <head> section are pre-loaded, before the visitor sees anything in browser, then all subsequent elements are ordered to load in a logical way. Next is Minify JavaScript code for smaller file sizes. Minifying code is different from obfuscating code, but both are methods of transforming JavaScript—to be more difficult to read, or to make it smaller. Minification accomplishes the latter, and can shrink file sizes to decrease page load times. Next is to optimize it! Optimization is a special type of JavaScript minification. These kind of minimizers not only delete unuseful white spaces, commas, comments etc. but also help to avoid ‘dead code’

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