Menu item duplicates Site Top Menu

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7/21/2020 8:22:51 AM
Total Posts 28
regards, Svein-Martin Holt Norway

Menu item duplicates Site Top Menu

I have a problem with my site I need some help with. I had the same problem some years ago, but figured out which table entry I could change in the database to have the menu item in the right position. But now I cant figure it out. :-(. Site:

The problem is when I created the new menuitem using the drag and drop function under the Page Manager, the new menuitem "Zity Edge Layout" was put under the Home menu and not at the next postion, between Home and ProjectBlog, shown on the image in the link:

I am not able to find the entry again in med PageManager menu, and cant move it to the correct position. So in which table is the menu structure set up? I changed it manually in the SQL database using Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio for another item some time ago, but cant find it in the database now.

I hope I could have some help from you, please.


Regards, Svein-Martin Holt,


7/21/2020 9:26:22 AM
Total Posts 28
regards, Svein-Martin Holt Norway

Re: Menu item duplicates Site Top Menu

I have sorted out the menus position, the ParentID was set to 0 and should have been set to -1. When I did that, then the menu come in the correct position .And the AuthorizedRoles was empty, so it did not show up before I added "All Users;" into that field.

It works as it should now, but the menus are still duplicated in the Page Manager page. It does not make any problems, but it should be nice to figure that error also out. :-)

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