SuperFlexi - Global setting for a solution

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4/22/2020 9:42:25 AM
Total Posts 220

SuperFlexi - Global setting for a solution

Is there any way to add a global setting to a SuperFlexi solution? It would be amazing to set options for a solution such as row count, image size, color sector, orientation, slide transition effect and things like this that are global for the given solution.

Some of this can be done via CSS and giving the solution a custom class. It would be better to allow end users to make some of these choices or even on the developer end so custom classes are not necessary. It would save a lot of time and give tons more flexibility since not everything can be solved with CSS.

I didn't see any examples with these types of options or anything in the documentation but thought it was worth asking. Thanks!

6/8/2020 3:44:20 PM
Total Posts 216
Community Expert

mojoPortal Hosting & Design @ i7MEDIA!

Re: SuperFlexi - Global setting for a solution

We currently do this by putting JSON data in the Advanced Settings String, you can then access this data from the Markup Definition using the $_CustomSettings_$ token. We'll look into ways to allow developers to outline settings on the global settings page, though.

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