Why are canonical links http when site is https?

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2/14/2020 6:36:51 PM
Total Posts 21

Why are canonical links http when site is https?

I'm doing some site troubleshooting and noticed that our canonical links are being written as http links not https. Is there any way to change this? We are using mojoPortal Version MSSQL.


2/21/2020 1:09:07 PM
Total Posts 2247

Re: Why are canonical links http when site is https?

Hi Julie,

Thank you for reporting this. We're going to change the default in the next release so that this doesn't happen. 

You should be able to add the following to your user.config file. After changing the user.config, you will have to "touch" the web.config to get IIS to reload both files.

<add key="ForceHttpForCanonicalUrlsThatDontRequireSsl" value="false" />

Let us know if that doesn't do the trick for you.


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