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Hi all
We recently moved our mojoportal installation to a different server, then upgraded to the latest version, now when we click on the month to go forward or back we get the error:
Ah, shucks!
So sorry for the inconvenience but an error has occurred while trying to process your request.
The error has been logged and will be reviewed by our staff as soon as possible. It's possible the error was a momentary hiccup and you may wish to use the back button to try your request again, or you can go to the home page.
I have checked and the files from the Add-In are in the appropriate folders and I have run the setup/default.aspx again which does not report any errors.
Configuring feature Event Calendar Pro - 00:00:01.2464235 Configuring feature Event Calendar Pro - List View - 00:00:01.2932984 Configuring feature Event Calendar Pro - Month View - 00:00:01.2932984 Does anyone have any issues with it? To add to this, I thought I would purchase the latest version of Event Calendar Pro and get the same error after inputting my PayPal details.
Thanks, Sandy
Do you see any errors in the \Web\Data\currentlog.config file?
Hi Jonathan
Thanks so much for responding. I ended up contacting Joe Davis who said the Add-in needs updating. I am away from the office for a few days. When I get back, I'll purchase the newest Add-ins and try again. I'll also check that log file.
I'll post back what happens.
I can confirm that the Add-on now works. However I will post another error around the Recent Content feature which is no longer working.