Meta Tag Properties

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1/27/2020 9:56:35 AM
Total Posts 6

Meta Tag Properties

Can anyone tell me the difference between 'content' and 'content property' (similarly with 'name' and 'name property') when creating meta elements?


2/4/2020 1:39:28 PM
Total Posts 2247

Re: Meta Tag Properties

content property is the name of the property while content is the value of property. For instance, if you set content property to "foo" and content to "bar" the meta element would like this:

<meta foo="bar" />


2/4/2020 1:51:15 PM
Total Posts 2247

Re: Meta Tag Properties

Testing this out it appears we have a bug with it. The way I explained it is how it is supposed to work but isn't how it is working.

We'll get it fixed. We might also just replace the entire thing with a textarea and let the page admin add whatever they want there. Tab would be renamed "Header Info" and the contents of the textarea would get added to the HEAD element of the page. Thoughts???


2/5/2020 7:50:37 AM
Total Posts 6

Re: Meta Tag Properties


     Thanks for looking into it.  I attempted to follow the documentation here, but with 'Name' and 'Content' being shown in the example, when I was presented with double the options for Content and Name in the 'wild', I didn't understand the application.  I'm still not sure I understand, as ridiculous as that sounds; it could be that I still don't know enough about meta tags.  I understand your classic 'foo-bar' example.  To use an actual example, setting the author would be:

  • Content Property = author
  • Content = John Doe appears the 'Content Property' field in the current build have taken the place of the 'Name' field in the example... is that right?

     What I'm not understanding is where the similar 'Name Property' and 'Name' come into play then; what are the purposes of those fields if the Content fields handle it?  Is the difference the meta object vs a page property?  That's all I can put together based on what I'm reading.

     Regarding the bug and the proposed changes... I think that sounds like a good idea assuming the field wouldn't be filtered to only meta elements.  Having a quick/easy option to write a script or base element and add it to the page would be great.

     Thanks again for time you put in... always a big help.

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