Adding META Elements via the GUI

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1/23/2020 9:03:23 AM
Total Posts 6

Adding META Elements via the GUI

Can someone please tell me the difference between the 'Name' and the 'Name Property'... similarly with the 'Content' and 'Content Property' text boxes of the META Elements?   Labels indicate that both are required, but I can't find a resource to explain what the two do differently.

I'm fairly new to Meta... please excuse me if this is an ignorant question.


2/4/2020 1:52:22 PM
Total Posts 2247

Re: Adding META Elements via the GUI

Testing this out it appears we have a bug with it. The way I explained it here is how it is supposed to work but isn't how it is working.

We'll get it fixed. We might also just replace the entire thing with a textarea and let the page admin add whatever they want there. Tab would be renamed "Header Info" and the contents of the textarea would get added to the HEAD element of the page. Please post your thoughts on the other thread.


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