Mobile display problems

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9/19/2019 5:08:18 AM
Total Posts 1

Mobile display problems

I have a problem with certain mobiles and tablets not reacting correctly to my web site, this includes Samsung tablets and Huwawei phones. The main one is that pull down menus show, they highlight but don't work. The other problem is not re-sizing. I can't tell if the server I am using has mobile Pro and wonder if there is any way to check. If it doesn't can I put Pro on my web site and do you think it will fix the problems. My site is


8/21/2020 6:44:48 PM
Total Posts 2247

Re: Mobile display problems

Hi Bob,

I know it's been a very long time since you posted your question. For some reason we missed it. Please accept my apologies for that.

Your site is using MobileKit Pro and it is working properly on our testing phones. If you are still having trouble, I would suggest not using MobileKit Pro because your website skin is already mobile friendly as it is based on our "framework" skin. You'll probably have better overall mobile support with that vs. MobileKit.


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